
Introduction to the Stock Depreciation Register

This register holds a special type of transaction for the depreciation of stock, the withdrawal from stock of items for internal use and the writing-off of stock. You can also use this register when you need to adjust stock balances for breakages, losses, returned goods, etc. It allows full control over the removal of items from stock, including the adjustment of FIFO values. If so determined in the Sub Systems setting in the Nominal Ledger, Stock Depreciation transactions, when approved, will create Nominal Ledger Transactions with full control over Accounts etc.

To open the Stock Depreciation register, first ensure you are in the Stock module, then click the [Stock Depreciations] button in the Master Control panel. The 'Stock Depreciations: Browse' window is opened, showing Stock Depreciation transactions already entered:

Stock Depreciations are normally shown in transaction number order. The OK column contains a check mark for the Stock Depreciations that have been approved.