
Printing Documents in Different Languages

Providing you have defined your Languages, assigned them to your Customers and Suppliers, and entered all appropriate translations, when you print a document it will contain the correct translations of Item Names, Units, Payment Terms, Delivery Terms and Delivery Modes. This will be automatic, so there is no need to design a separate Form for this purpose. Nevertheless, you will need to design separate Forms for each Language, because the text objects (e.g. the title and column headings) on each Form need to be translated. It might also be necessary to redesign a Form to comply with local law or convention in the destination country.

The example described below imagines you to have two different invoice layouts, one for English language customers, and one for French customers. You can design these invoice layouts, named, for example, INVENG and INVFRE, using the Form register in the System module. Full details of this design process can be found here. You should use the same fields in the INVENG and INVFRE Forms, but change the text objects as necessary.

Once you have designed the Forms, you should specify when each one is to be used, as follows:

  1. Select the Sales Ledger module using the [Select Module] button in the Master Control panel.

  2. Click the [Documents] button in the Master Control panel. The 'Documents' list window is opened showing a list of available documents. Highlight 'Invoices'.

  3. Select 'Define Document' from the Operations menu. Specify INVENG as the Form on the first row and INVFRE as the Form on the second row:

    In the first row, enter the name of the default Invoice for your local Customers ("INVENG"). Use the 'Paste Special' feature to see the available forms in your Forms register and to ensure the spelling is correct. On the second line, specify French as the Language and the French Invoice ("INVFRE") as the Form. This Form will be used for all French Customers (i.e. those Customers who have been assigned the French Language on the 'Delivery' card). In the example, we have also specified that the "INVSWE" Form will be used for Swedish Customers. The "INVENG" Form will be used for Customers with any other Language.

  4. Click [Save] to save the Invoice definitions. When you print Invoices from now on, the correct Form will be selected automatically according to the Language of the Customer, without further user intervention.

    This process can be repeated for almost all documents as required.