
Attachments - Attaching Records to Other Records

You can attach records to other records by dragging and dropping from the browse window of one register onto the [Attachments] button of another. For example, to attach a Customer record to an Invoice, open the Invoice in a record window and then open the 'Customers: Browse' window. Find the correct Customer in the list, click on the Customer Number and drag it to the [Attachments] button of the Invoice. The Customer record will then appear in the Invoice's list of attachments. Alternatively, if the Customer record is already open, you can drag its [Attachments] button onto that of the Invoice. You can also select a range of Customer records in the browse window by clicking while holding down the Shift key, and then drag them all to the [Attachments] button.

Later, when viewing the Customer record in the example above, you might wish to see which other records it has been attached to. Open the list of Attachments and select 'Show To Links' from the Operations menu. The records the Customer has been attached to will be listed below a dotted line.