
Printing Forms

Each document that you can print consists of two elements, the "Form" and the "Form Template". The Form element extracts the relevant information from the database and places it in printable fields, while the Form Template is the graphic layout design of the printed output i.e. it controls where on the page each printable field will be placed (and it can contain other design elements such as lines and frames as well).

Once you have designed a Form Template, you should you should connect it to a form. This will ensure that the form will be printed using the correct layout. This will usually only be necessary if you have given your Form Template a new Form Template Code using the 'Properties' Operations menu function.

A file containing samples of each Form Template is supplied with Standard ERP. The name of this file will vary depending on your location: in UK versions of Standard ERP, the file will be named "UKForms.txt". If you want to use these samples as the basis for your own designs, import this file as described on the Importing Set-up Data page. The file will include the sample Form Templates, and it will also connect those Form Templates to the relevant forms.

If you edit the sample Form Templates so that they meet your requirements, you don't need to re-connect them to forms. However if you create new Form Templates (perhaps by duplicating the samples), or you choose not to import the sample Form Templates and to create your own from scratch, you will then need to connect the new Form Templates to the relevant forms.

To connect a Form Template to a form, follow these steps:

  1. Use the [Switch Module] button in the Navigation Centre to select the module in which the form is to be found. For example, to connect a Form Template to the Invoice form, change to the Sales Ledger.

  2. Click the [Forms] button in the Navigation Centre. The 'Forms' list window will be opened, showing a list of available forms. Highlight the form that you need to connect to a Form Template ('Invoices' in the example).

  3. Select 'Define Form' from the Operations menu.

  4. The 'Form Definition' window opens. In the Form Template field in the first row, use 'Paste Special' to choose the Form Template that you need.

  5. Click [Save] to save the form definition. This will connect the Form Template to the form. In the example, whenever you print an Invoice, it will use the Form Template that you specified in the 'Form Definition' window.
You can also use the 'Define Form' function (steps 3 and 4 above) to specify that different Form Templates will be used depending on the Language of the Customer or Supplier, the Access Group of the user or the number sequence in which the record number falls. You can also specify that more than one Form Template is to be printed (for example, you might require that a Delivery Note is printed with each Invoice). Please refer here for more details about the 'Form Definition' window with examples.

The 'Define Form' function is available for every form that you can print from Standard ERP, giving you a high level of flexibility in the production of printed output.


The Form Template register in Standard ERP:

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