
Activities Check, Persons

This report lists the days during the report period when employees worked too many or too few hours. The number of hours worked per day is calculated from Time Activities only (Done and not Done). Invalidated and Private Activities are not included.

Paste Special    Reporting Periods setting, System module
The report period. The report will include all Time Activities whose Start Date falls in the period (Activities whose Task Type is Calendar and whose Calendar Type is Time).

Paste Special    Person register, System module
Range Reporting    Alpha
Enter a Person's initials to produce a report analysing the hours worked by a single employee. Activities with the Person in the Cc field will be included in the calculations, but Private Activities will not be included.

Display Group
If you enter a Display Group here, the report will analyse the hours worked by all Persons belonging to that Display Group.

Activity Type
Paste Special    Activity Types setting, CRM module
If you enter an Activity Type here, only Activities with that Activity Type will be used in the report.

Paste Special    Project register, Job Costing module
Enter a Project Number to analyse the hours worked on a particular Project. Activities with the Project Number entered on their 'Project' card will be included in the report calculations.

Fewer Hours than
If you want the report to list the days during the report period when any employee worked for fewer than a specified number of hours, enter that number here.

More Hours than
If you want the report to list the days during the report period when any employee worked for more than a specified number of hours, enter that number here.

These options can be used to control the level of detail shown in the report.
This option produces a report containing a separate section for each day during the report period. This will contain the name of any employee who worked for more or fewer than the number of hours specified above, together with the number of hours worked.

This option is similar to the Overview, with the exception that the Activities worked by each employee are listed individually.

When printed to screen, this version of the report has Hansa's Drill-down feature. Click on an Activity Comment to open the Activity record.
Use these options to specify how weekends are to be included in the report. Excluding weekends will more usually be appropriate if you are using the Fewer Hours Than option above, because otherwise most weekends will be shown with zero hours worked.