
Birthday List

This report can be used to list all Contact Persons sharing a birthday. The report is compiled from information in the Date of Birth field on the 'Address' card of each Contact Person record. As well as the birthday of each Contact, the report shows their Name, Title, Address, Telephone, Fax and Mobile Numbers, Email Address, Department and Customer Number and Name.

When printed to screen, this report has Hansa's Drill-down feature. Click on any Customer Number to open an individual Customer record. Each Contact in the report also has a [Create Reminder in Day Planner] text button. Click this text to create an Activity to remind you to call or mail the Contact on their birthday. The new Activity will be created but not opened. The Task Type of the new Activity will be Timed To Do, the Person will be the current user and the Activity Date will be the Contact's birthday. The Activity will appear in the right-hand panel of the current user's Day Planner on the appropriate day.

Paste Special    Reporting Periods setting, System module
The report will list all Contact Persons whose birthday falls in the period specified here. For example, if the period is 1/6/2004:30/6/2004, the report will list all Contact Persons whose birthday is in June. The year is not used.

If you want to produce a report for a single day, simply enter the date once. Hansa will then convert it to period format by inserting a colon and repeating the date.

Customer Category
Paste Special    Customer Categories setting, Sales Ledger
Enter a Customer Category to show Contact Persons belonging to Customers with that Category.

Paste Special    Customers and Suppliers in Customer register
Range Reporting    Alpha
Enter a Customer Number to list the Contact Persons that work for that Customer.

Show Closed
Check this box if you would like Closed Contact Persons to be included in the report.