
Calendar Booking History

This report is a list of Calendar Activities comparing the dates the records were created with their Start Dates.

When printed to screen, the Calendar Booking History has Hansa's Drill-down feature. Click on an Activity Number to open the Activity record. Private Activities are shown in the report, but drill-down will be disabled for them.

Paste Special    Reporting Periods setting, System module
Enter a reporting period: Activities whose Start Dates fall in this period will be shown in the report. To produce a report for a particular day, simply enter the date once. Hansa will then convert it to period format by inserting a colon and repeating the date.

Paste Special    Customers and Suppliers in Customer register
Range Reporting    Alpha
Enter a Customer Number or a range of Numbers to list Activities recorded or scheduled for that Customer (or for the range of Customers).

Activity Class
Paste Special    Activity Classes setting, CRM module
Enter an Activity Class to list Activities with Activity Types belonging to that Class.

Activity Type
Paste Special    Activity Types setting, CRM module
Enter an Activity Type to list Activities of that Type.

Paste Special    Person register, System module
Range Reporting    Alpha
Enter a Person's initials to list the Activities recorded, scheduled or carried out by this Person. If you list the Activities of another Person, their Private Activities will not be included.

Display Group
If you enter a Display Group here, the report will list the Activities recorded, scheduled or carried out by all Persons belonging to that Display Group.

The report contains separate sections for the Activities of each Person. Choose one of these options to specify the order in which the Activities are to be listed in those sections.

Calendar Type
Use these options to determine whether the report is to contain Time Activities, Profile Activities and/or Don't Show Activities.