
Stocktaking Journal

This report is a list of the records in the Stocktaking register. It shows the Item Number and Name, Quantity in stock as recorded in the Stocktaking record, Base Price and Value.

Range Reporting    Numeric
If you need to print the details of a particular Stocktaking record or range of Stocktaking records, enter the Stocktaking Number(s) here.

Paste Special    Locations setting, Stock module
To limit the report to a single Location, enter the Location Code here. This refers to the Location entered at Stocktaking level, not those entered in any Stocktaking rows.

Paste Special    Choose date
If you need to print the details of the Stocktaking records for a particular date, enter that date here.

Show Quantity 2
Use this option to express stock quantities using two different units of measurement. This is only appropriate for Items that have a Unit 2 and a Unit Coefficient specified on the 'Stock' card.