
Update Postmaster Mailbox

The Postmaster is the Mailbox or Conference that receives incoming external mail (e-mail) that has been incorrectly addressed. This may be because of a typing error (including the use of special characters, which should not appear in e-mail addresses), because the recipient no longer works for your company, or because your system of E-Mail Aliases is incomplete. You should specify the Mailbox or Conference that is to act as the Postmaster in the Mail and Conference Settings setting.

If incorrectly addressed mail is not very frequent, the Postmaster will be able to redirect such mail by opening it and typing in the correct Mailbox. If it is frequent, the cause will probably lie with your E-Mail Aliases. E-Mail Aliases match the name of the recipient of the mail as typed by the sender to the name of a Mailbox in Hansa, and are described here. If this is the cause of the problem, you should first try to improve your E-Mail Alias system. Then, instead of redirecting the undelivered mail individually, the Postmaster can use this function to deliver it again using the updated E-Mail Aliases. Any mail that is redirected successfully will be removed from the Postmaster's Mailbox. So, as well as taking the labour out of redirecting mail, this function will test that the new E-Mail Aliases are correct.