
Operations Menu - Create Stock Movement

If there is insufficient stock in the Location specified on the 'Del Terms' card to fulfil the Order (you can ascertain this information using the 'Item Status' function), you can use this function to move any stock that might exist elsewhere into that Location. You must save the Order before you can use the function, and there must be a Location specified on the 'Del Terms' card of the Order (unless you have specified a Main Location in the Stock Settings setting, in which case that Location will be used). Any Locations that you have specified on flip F of each Order row will not be used by this function. The Order must not be closed, and it must have at least one row that has not been fully delivered.

When you select the function, a new record will be created in the Stock Movement register (in the Stock module), and opened in a new window, entitled 'Stock Movement: Inspect'. This means that it has been created and saved and is being opened for amendment and approval.

The Location from the 'Del Terms' card of the Order (or, if this is blank, the Main Location if there is one) is copied to the To Location field of the Stock Movement to enable the moving of stock to that Location (the Location on flip F is not used) , while the Main Location will be copied to the From Location. The Text field of the Stock Movement contains a reference to the Order from which it was created. All rows from the Order will be transferred to the Stock Movement except those from which full or partial Deliveries have already been issued. The Quantity is taken from the Order: there is no attempt to calculate the existing stock level in the Location and to move in the balance.

Enter a From Location (the Location from which the stock is to be moved), check the Received box and click the [Save] button to save.

The stock will be moved into the To Location. If you are using the Do Not Allow Over Delivery option in the Stock Settings setting, you will not be able to approve and save the Stock Movement if there is insufficient stock in the From Location for the transfer. This check will not be made for Plain or Service Items, whatever the setting of the Do Not Allow Over Delivery option. If you would like to ascertain yourself whether the From Location has sufficient stock for the transfer before approving and saving the Stock Movement, use the 'Item Status' function on the Operations menu or produce a Stock List report.

When you save the Stock Movement, the R. Old Unit Price and R. New Unit Price will be changed to an actual stock value, providing there is a Received Quantity. If you have entered an R. Extra Cost, this will be included in the R. New Price. These figures will be recalculated each time you save the Stock Movement, and when you approve it. If you have specified a Via Location and a Sent Quantity, the S. Old Unit Price and S. New Unit Price on flip B will similarly be recalculated, taking any S. Extra Cost into account. The Old Unit Price(s) will be calculated using the Cost Model specified in the relevant Item or Item Group record. If that Cost Model is Default, the Primary Cost Model specified in the Cost Accounting setting will be used. If you specify an Extra Cost, the value of the Item in the FIFO/LIFO queue will be adjusted to include the Extra Cost, as will the overall Weighted Average figure for the Item, shown on the 'Costs' card of the Item record. If you are using the Weighted Average per Location option in the Cost Accounting setting in the Stock module, the Extra Cost will also be included in the Weighted Average figure for the Item in the To Location.

If you need to create Stock Movements in batches, use the 'Create Stock Movements' Maintenance function.

Please refer here for full details of the 'Stock Movement: Inspect' window, and here for detailed information about any Nominal Ledger Transactions created when the Stock Movement is approved.