
Delivery List

This report shows a list of Orders for which there are Deliveries remaining to be made or Invoices to be raised.

Range Reporting    Numeric
Use this field to limit the report to a single Order, or range of Orders.

Paste Special    Item register
Enter an Item Number here to list Orders containing a particular Item in the report.

Paste Special    Customers in Customer register
To limit the report to Orders from a single Customer, enter a Customer Number here.

Order Class
Paste Special    Order Classes setting, Sales Orders module
Enter an Order Class code to limit the report to Orders of a single Class.

Item Group
Paste Special    Item Group register, Sales Ledger
Use this field to limit the report to Orders containing Items belonging to a single Item Group.

Planned Delivery
Paste Special    Choose date
Range Reporting    By date
If you wish to report on the Deliveries to be made on a specific date (based on the Planned Del. field on the 'Date' card of the Order screen), enter that date here. No account is taken of the Planned Delivery Date field on flip E.

The report can be sorted by Customer Category or Item Group.