
Produceability List

This report is a list of assembled Items (Stocked and Structured Items with Recipes). It shows the quantities of each Item that can be produced from the components available in stock, and compares these figures with the quantities required by unfulfilled Sales Orders. Unfulfilled Orders for individual components are taken into account.

Item No.
Paste Special    Item register
Range Reporting    Alpha
Use this field to restrict the report to a particular Item or range of Items. Only Items with Recipes will be shown in the report.

Paste Special    Item Group register, Sales Ledger
Range Reporting    Alpha
Use this field to restrict the report to Items of a particular Item Group or range of Groups.

Paste Special    Locations setting, Stock module
If you need to report on the quantity of assembled Items that can be produced from the components available in stock in a particular Location, specify that Location here.

Recipes in Multiple Levels
For assembled Items which use components which themselves are assemblies (i.e. sub-assemblies), you can either show the stock levels of the sub-assemblies or show those of the most basic level components. To use the latter option, switch on this check box.

Use these options to specify the level of detail in the report.
For each Item, this option will simply show quantities in stock, on order and produceable.

For each Item, this option shows how many are produceable and lists its components, showing for each the quantities in stock and on order. The quantity of each component required by the Recipe is also shown.
The report can be sorted by Item Number or Item Group.