
Autotransactions - Example Automatic Autotransactions (Subsystem Autotransactions)

The Autotransactions feature in Standard ERP:

This page illustrates the use of automatic Autotransactions using an example. In the previous example, When you use an Autotransaction in a Purchase Invoice as in this example, its effects will be visible immediately. As the Purchase Invoice will not be saved at this point, you can then change any of the Purchase Invoice rows, including those that were added and calculated by the Autotransaction. For example, you could remove the row posting to DEPT2 and add its Amount to the DEPT3 row.

In some situations (for example, calculating a second tax in addition to VAT that is not included in the price), the ability to change the effects of the Autotransaction might not be necessary or desirable. In this case, you might want the Purchase Invoice to contain a single row posting to an Account, with the results of the Autotransaction not being editable and only being visible in the Nominal Ledger.

To use this feature, first define the Autotransaction that calculates the extra tax:

Then, enter the Autotransaction in the Subsys. Autotrans. field in the Account record:

Use the Account in a transaction such as a Purchase Invoice as normal:

The results of the Autotransaction will not be shown in the Purchase Invoice. But, in the resulting Nominal Ledger Transaction, the Autotransaction will cause the extra tax to be calculated and posted to the correct Accounts:

In this example, the Subsys. Autotrans was attached to Account 440. The extra tax will therefore be calculated by applying the percentages in the Autotransaction to the amount posted to that Account (3% of 1000.00 in the example). We did not select the Don't Swap Debit & Credit option in the Autotransaction and we entered the percentage in the Credit field in the first Autotransaction row, so the result of the percentage calculation will be placed on the opposite side to the original. In the second Autotransaction row, we entered the percentage in the Debit field, so the result of this calculation will be placed on the same side as the original. This means we can use this Autotransaction in both Invoices and Credit Notes.

Unlike other Autotransactions, Subsystem Autotransactions will not change the original posting (to Account 440 in the example). So, you cannot use them to distribute amounts to different Tags/Objects as was illustrated in the previous examples. You can only use them to add extra postings to Transactions. Therefore, you should not use the ! character in the first line of these Autotransactions. You can use # in the Tags/Objects field if you want to copy the Tags/Objects from the original posting to the extra postings.

This is a very powerful feature, to be used with care. It extends the reach of Autotransactions from Purchase Invoices and Expenses to Invoices, Stock Depreciations, Productions, Receipts, Payments, Personnel Payments and Cash In and Cash Out records. Each time you use an Account with a Subsys. Autotrans (Account 440 in the example) in any of these records, extra tax will be calculated and added to the resulting Nominal Ledger Transaction as illustrated above. In the case of a Sales Invoice only, you can disable the application of the Autotransaction in Credit Notes using the Don't use Automatic Autotransactions on Credit Notes option on the 'Credit' card of the Account Usage S/L setting in the Sales Ledger.

A second example where Automatic Autotransactions can be used is in Poland, where companies producing their own goods need to post two sets of cost accounting postings when removing those goods from stock. The first set will debit the Cost Account and credit the Stock Account as normal, while the second set will debit the same value to a second Cost Account that depends on where the goods are produced and credit a Cost Reconciliation Account. This second set of postings will be generated automatically from outgoing stock transactions if you specify an Autotransaction in the Subsys. Autotrans. field in the main Cost Account. This Autotransaction should debit 100% of the stock value to the second Cost Account and credit 100% of the stock value to the Cost Reconciliation Account.


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