
Gift Vouchers

This report is a list of Gift Vouchers that you have issued during the report period. For each Gift Voucher, the report shows the Voucher Number, the value, the Customer Number and Name (if the Gift Voucher has been sold), the issue date, the date the Voucher was sold and the date it was redeemed. Please refer here for full details about Gift Vouchers.

The Gift Vouchers report has the Standard ERP Drill-down feature. Click on any Customer Number in the report to open the Contact record for an individual Customer.

Paste Special    Reporting Periods setting, System module
The report will list the Gift Vouchers that you issued during the period specified here.

Paste Special    Customers in Contact register
Range Reporting    Alpha
If you need to list the Gift Vouchers sold to a particular Customer, specify that Customer here.

To list the Gift Vouchers with a particular value, specify that value here.

Paste Special     Locations setting Stock module
Range Reporting    Alpha
If you need to list the Gift Vouchers that were sold in a particular Location (i.e. sold in Touch-Screen Invoices, POS Invoices and Bar Tabs with a particular Location), specify that Location here.

Use these options to specify which Gift Vouchers should be listed in the report, as follows:
All Gift Vouchers issued during the report period will be listed in the report.

The report will list Gift Vouchers that have not been sold.

The report will list Gift Vouchers that have been sold but not received (redeemed).

The report will list Gift Vouchers that have been sold and received (redeemed).
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Use these options to specify the order in which the Gift Vouchers will be listed in the report.

Reports in the Sales Ledger:

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