
Key Financial Ratios - Multiple Key Ratio Report Definitions

You can create as many of your own Key Financial Ratio reports as you need. Please refer to the Multiple Balance Sheet Definitions page for full details about creating new reports. After creating a new report, you should then enter a definition for it, as described on the Defining Key Ratios page.

If you have added column definitions to the definition of the built-in Key Financial Ratios report as described on the Adding Columns to the Report page, these column definitions will also be used in the new reports unless you explicitly add column definitions to those reports. If you do not want these column definitions to be used for a particular report, save an empty column definition for that report (click the [Define Columns] button in the 'Key Financial Ratios Report Definitions' window and immediately press the [Save] button when the 'Column Definition: New' window opens).


Pages describing the Key Financial Ratios report:


Reports in the Nominal Ledger:


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