
Currencies - Text Card

Value in Text Name
Enter here the name of the Currency as it is to be shown on printed documents such as Invoices or Cheques. The Value in Text Name (2-4) and (5-) fields are used in Languages such as Russian and Lithuanian with more than one plural form, depending on the quantity involved. For more details about including amounts in words in a document, please refer to the description of the Values in Text setting.

Minor Currency Name
The Minor Currency is the one hundredth part of the Currency (for example, pence, cents or öre). Enter here its name as it is to be shown on printed documents such as Invoices or Cheques. The Minor Currency Name (2-4) and (5-) fields are used in Languages such as Russian and Lithuanian with more than one plural form, depending on the quantity involved.

These options are used in Languages with two genders: use them to signify the genders of the Value in Text Name and the Minor Currency Name.

The Values in Text setting in the System module contains a grid where the words for each number between one and 99 can be entered. This grid has two columns, for the masculine and feminine versions of these words. The appropriate version is used, depending on the gender set here.Once the Currency has been entered, click the [Save] button in the Button Bar to save it. To close the window without saving changes, use the close box.