
User Activities

The Activities Journal report in the CRM module is a report that the current user can use to produce a list of their Activities, including Activities of all Task Types. These are Activities in which the Signature of the current user is included in the Persons or Cc fields. The User Activities report in the System module is a version of the Activities Journal, with the differences that it can be produced for any user, not just for the current user and that it only lists Activities in which the Signature of the specified user is included in the Persons field, not those in which it is included in the Cc field.

Please refer to the description of the Activities Journal report here for full details. Below are described the two fields that are unique to the User Activities report:

Paste Special    Person register, System module and Global User register, Technics module
If you need to list a particular Person's Activities, enter that Person's Signature here.

Display Group
Paste Special    Display Groups setting, System module
If you need to list the Activities of all Persons belonging to a particular Display Group, specify that Display Group here.

Note that the report does not show the Persons specified in individual Activities, so it will not be possible to distinguish Activities assigned to different Persons.

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