
Introduction to Customers and Suppliers

Information about your Customers is stored in the Customer register, which is available from the Sales Orders and Sales Ledger modules, and from the Contract, Quotations, CRM and Service Orders modules if installed. Information about your Suppliers is stored in the Supplier register, which is available in the Purchase Orders and Purchase Ledger modules.

Customers of a similar type can be grouped together using Customer Categories. All Customers of the same Category can be given the same default Price List, Discount Matrix and Debtor Account, saving you the work of having to specify these for all Customers individually. Defining and assigning Customer Categories also makes modification easier: if it is necessary to assign a different Discount Matrix, for example, only one change need be made (to the Customer Category), rather than many (to each of the Customers).

If information is specified both for a Customer Category and for a Customer that belongs to that Category, that entered for the Customer will take precedence.

Similarly, on the purchase side you can group Suppliers of a similar type together using Supplier Categories. All Suppliers belonging to the same Category can be given the same default On Account and Creditor Accounts, saving you the work of having to specify these for all Suppliers individually.