
Credit Notes - Including Details of the Original Invoice on a Credit Note

A Credit Note created using the method described here is a reversal of the original Invoice. In some countries (e.g. Poland), Credit Notes are not used to reverse Invoices but to correct them.

If you want to make use of this feature, create the Credit Note by duplicating the original Invoice. After you have entered "CN" in the Payment Terms field, press the Tab key and then select 'Correction Invoice' from the Operations menu. The Invoice rows are duplicated and divided into two sections, labelled "Before" and "After". The "Before" section contains the rows from the original Invoice. The "After" section contains the rows to be corrected (these rows are also marked with a "K"). Change these rows as appropriate, by entering the correct quantites and/or prices. In the example illustrated below, the original Invoice was for three Item 10101s and three Item 10102s. It should have been for two 10101s and one 10102, so the "K" rows have been changed appropriately. Item 10111 was correct on the original Invoice, so no change has been made to the final "K" row:

If an Invoice was issued in error, all quantities should be set to zero in the Correction Invoice.

On the first row, enter the number of the Invoice to be corrected, and approve, save and print the Correction Invoice in the usual way.

By default, a Correction Invoice will not change stock quantities and values (in this respect it is similar to a Credit Note). Please refer to the Credit Notes and Stock page for details. It is not recommended that you increase quantities in Correction Invoices, because stock values may not be updated correctly. Instead, a new Invoice for the increase should be issued.