
Sending Mail - External Mail

If at least one recipient is an e-mail address, select 'Send E-mail' from the Operations menu after you have saved the Mail. If you do not save changes to the Mail before you use this function, the most recently saved version of the Mail will be sent. The Mail will be sent even if you have not checked the Sent box, but it is recommended that you do so, to remove the 'pencil' icon from the Mail in your Mailbox.

Once a Mail with an e-mail address has been sent, it will be placed in an E-mail Queue. This Queue is processed as follows:

Once you have activated the Gateway as described here, it will check the E-mail Queue periodically. Any Mail in the Queue will be sent automatically.

In a single-user system, you should send e-mail manually. To do this, bring the Master Control panel to the front and select 'Send and Receive E-Mail' from the Operations menu. Depending on how your computer has been configured, you may have to establish a connection to the internet first. All Mail in the Queue will then be sent, and any incoming mail will be downloaded from your POP3 account as well. Note: do not use this function from a client machine in a multi-user system.
If you need to check the contents of the E-mail Queue, you can do so on the main server using the E-mail Queue register in the Technics module. Note that Mail is not removed from the Queue once it has been sent.