Search HansaManuals Home >> Standard ERP >> Introduction and Installation >> Turvakoopiate tegemine Eelmine Järgmine Prindi kogu peatükk Otsi Juhend HansaWorld Enterprise'i versioonile 4.0 Backing Up Using Specialist Back-up Software As described here, we strongly recommend that Hansa's built-in back-up facilities are used as the main part of your back-up strategy. They are more economical in terms of disk space and are more reliable in that the success of a restoration is guaranteed even if the version of your Hansa application has changed.However, some users may prefer to rely on specialist back-up software such as Retrospect to produce back-up tapes that can be stored off-site. Such software can sometimes fail to create a back-up file if the files being backed up are still in use. For example, a user may have gone home having forgotten to log off (or having left their machine producing a report) and this may cause the back-up to fail. To cater for this eventuality, Hansa can be instructed to alter the state of the database so that, as far as the back-up software is concerned, it appears not to be in use. To do this, follow these steps: