Search HansaManuals Home >> Standard ERP >> Introduction and Installation >> Turvakoopiate tegemine Eelmine Järgmine Prindi kogu peatükk Otsi Juhend HansaWorld Enterprise'i versioonile 6.4 Backing Up Using Specialist Back-up Software As described here, we strongly recommend that you use the text back-up or database duplication facilities built in to Enterprise by HansaWorld as the main part of your back-up strategy. The text back-up feature in particular is more economical in terms of disk space and is more reliable in that the success of a restoration is guaranteed even if the version of your Enterprise by HansaWorld application has changed. The database duplication feature allows you to continue using your database while it is being backed up.However, some users may prefer to rely on specialist back-up software such as Retrospect to produce back-up tapes that can be stored off-site. Such software can sometimes fail to create a back-up file if the files being backed up are still in use. For example, a user may have gone home having forgotten to log off (or having left their machine producing a report) and this may cause the back-up to fail. To cater for this eventuality, you can change the state of the database at the time when it will be backed up so that, as far as the back-up software is concerned, it appears not to be in use. To do this, follow these steps:
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