Search HansaManuals Home >> Standard ERP >> Working Environment >> Menus and Sub-menus Eelmine Järgmine Prindi kogu peatükk Otsi Juhend HansaWorld Enterprise'i versioonile 4.0 File Menu - Print Queue You can choose to put your documents or reports in a waiting list so that they can be printed later, perhaps to reduce the load on the network, or to ensure that the printer contains the right paper. In the example below three reports have been put in the queue for later printing.To print the items in the queue, bring up the Print Queue list by selecting 'Print Queue' from the File menu. Then select 'Print', also from the File menu. All the items in the list will be printed in the order in which they are shown. To remove an item from the list, mark it with the mouse and select 'Clear' from the Edit menu. Quitting Hansa will cause the queue to be emptied. |