

This section contains the following pages:
  1. a description of Companies and databases in the context of FirstOffice.

  2. Starting FirstOffice when there is an existing Company and database (i.e. the process to be followed when FirstOffice is in daily use).

  3. Starting FirstOffice when there is no Company and database (i.e. the process to be followed when starting to use FirstOffice for the first time). This includes:

    1. creating a new database;

    2. creating a new Company;

    3. Importing from a Back-up;

    4. entering your company name and address (to be printed on your documents);

    5. registering the number of Companies that you need;

    6. entering Companies in the Company register; and;

    7. applying for an Enabler Key.

  4. Starting FirstOffice in a multi-user system when there is no Company and database (i.e. the process to be followed when starting to use FirstOffice for the first time in a multi-user system).