
Supplier Categories

You can group Suppliers of a similar type together using Supplier Categories. All Suppliers of the same Category can be given the same default Creditor Account, saving you the work of having to specify this for all Suppliers individually.

If you specify a Creditor Account both for a Supplier Category and for a Supplier that belongs to that Category, the Account entered for the Supplier will take precedence. If you do not specify a Creditor Account for a Category or a Supplier, the Creditor Account specified in the Account Usage P/L setting ('Creditors' card) will be used. If you are using Sub-ledger Checking, any Creditor Account specified in a Supplier Category must first be defined as a Creditor Control Account. Sub-ledger Checking is switched on using the check box on the 'Creditors' card of the Account Usage P/L setting, and Control Accounts are defined using the Control Accounts setting in the Nominal Ledger.

Supplier Categories are defined using the setting in the Purchase Ledger. Use the Modules menu to enter the Purchase Ledger and then select 'Settings' from the File menu or click [Settings] in the Master Control panel. Double-click 'Supplier Categories' in the resulting list. The 'Supplier Categories: Browse' window is displayed, showing all Categories previously entered. Click [New] to enter a new record, and [Save] to save it.