
Printing Forms

Once you have designed a Form, you should inform FirstOffice when it is to be printed. You should do this by attaching the Form to an item in the 'Documents' list in the appropriate module. This is only necessary if you have given your Form a new Form Code using the 'Properties' Operations menu function.

For example, when printing an Invoice, FirstOffice, by default, will use a Form with the Form Code of "INVOICE". A template Form with this Code is supplied with FirstOffice. If you have used this template as a basis for designing your own invoice form and haven't changed the Form Code, the new design will be used automatically. However, if you have changed the Form Code to, for example, "INVOICE1", you should inform FirstOffice that this is now the Form to be used for printing Invoices.

To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Select the Sales Ledger module using the [Select Module] button in the Master Control panel.

  2. Click the [Documents] button in the Master Control panel. The 'Documents' list window is opened showing a list of available documents. Highlight 'Invoices'.

  3. Select 'Define Document' from the Operations menu.

  4. In the first row, "INVOICE" will be shown in the Form field. Change this to the Form Code of your new invoice Form ("INVOICE1" in the example). Use the 'Paste Special' feature to see the available forms in your Form register and to ensure the spelling is correct.

  5. Click [Save] to save the Invoice definition. From now on, whenever Invoices are printed, the "INVOICE1" Form will be used.
You can also use 'Define Document' (steps 3 and 4 above) to specify that more than one Form is to be printed (for example, you might require that a Delivery Note is printed with each Invoice).

The 'Define Document' function is available for many of the documents printed by FirstOffice, allowing a high level of flexibility in the production of printed output from FirstOffice.