
Project Settings - Stocked Items Card

Stocked Items Description
If you are using the One Row Total option for Invoice Stocked Items (below), all invoiceable Stocked Items will be summarised together on a single Invoice row. Specify here the text that is to appear in this Invoice row.

Invoice Stocked Items
These options work in the same manner as the Invoice Times options on the ('Service' card, but refer to Stocked Items. Again, the option selected here is a default: you can override it for a particular Project using the 'Stock & Materials' card of the Project screen.

If the Separate Inv. Row option has been switched on in a particular Project Transaction representing a Stocked Item, that will override the option chosen here.

Budget Stocked
Use these options to choose which of the Invoice Stocked Items options will be chosen by default when creating new records in the Project Budget and Quotation register. Please refer to the page describing the 'Invoicing' card of the Project Budget register for descriptions of the two options.