
Purchase Items - Price Card

Default taken from    Item (Cost Price)
Enter the purchase price for the Item offered by this Supplier. This figure is per Supplier Unit (see below). If you have either of the Currency Value Packs, the Purchase Item will gain a Currency field: this Price should be in the Currency that you specify in that field (or in your home Currency if you leave the Currency field blank).

When you receive Items into stock (i.e. when you approve and save Goods Receipts), you can have the Cost Prices in the relevant Item records updated automatically. This automatic updating is not extended to Purchase Items. To update the Price of Purchase Items in a single step, use the 'Update Purchase Items' Maintenance function in the Stock module.

Purchase Cost
The extra cost associated with a purchase transaction for this Item from this Supplier. Any value entered here will be transferred on a per unit basis to the Customs fields on flip B of each Goods Receipt row. The whole figure will be copied to the Customs field in the Goods Receipt footer. If you have either of the Currency Value Packs, this figure should be in your home Currency.

Unit Conv., Supplier Unit
Paste Special    Units setting, Sales Ledger
You should use these fields when an Item is purchased in a different Unit to which that in which it is sold.

Enter the purchasing Unit in the Supplier Unit field, using 'Paste Special' if necessary. Then, use the Unit Conversion field to show the relationship between the Supplier Unit and the sales Unit (shown on the Item card of the Item record). The Price (above) will refer to the Supplier Unit.

For example, your firm sells the Item in single units, but the Supplier sells in boxes of 12. In this case, the Unit on the Item card of the Item record will be "Item", the Supplier Unit will be "Dozen", and the Unit Conversion will be "12". The Price (above) will be for one dozen.

If you subsequently need to order 240 of the Item, enter "240" as the Quantity on the Purchase Order. The Purchase Order's Sup. Qty field (on flip B of the 'Items' card) will be calculated to show "20", i.e. the order quantity from the Supplier's point of view (Quantity divided by Unit Conversion). This figure is shown as the Quantity on the Purchase Order document.

Leave these fields empty if the purchasing and sales Units are the same. In this case, the Price will be per sales Unit.

Supplier Item
Used as default in    Purchase Orders
The code allocated to the Item by this Supplier. This will be shown as the main Item Code on the Purchase Order document.

Paste Special    Person register, System module
Default taken from    Current User
Enter the initials of the Person responsible for this Purchase Item.

Delivery Days
Record here the typical lead time it takes to receive this Item from the Supplier.