
Notas de Crédito - Invalidar Facturas

En algunos casos puede ser apropiado invalidar una Factura utilizando el comando 'Invalidar' del menú Registro en la ventana 'Factura: Ver'. Esta función removerá la Factura de las Cuentas por Cobrar; todas las Cuentas Contables vinculadas serán también eliminadas de la Contabilidad.

. An invalidated Invoice is easily distinguished because all fields have red lines drawn through them. These red lines are also shown in the 'Invoices: Browse' window.

The function is designed for use in situations where Invoice Numbers are pre-determined (perhaps through being printed on Invoice stationery) and where it is not desirable to raise a Credit Note. It is not recommended for use where it is intended that the cancelling of an Invoice should have implications for the stock system. In these circumstances, a Credit Note should be raised, and the goods received back into stock through the Goods Receipt or Returned Goods registers, as described here.

An Invoice cannot be invalidated if it has been paid, if it has not been approved or if its Invoice Date is earlier than the Lock S/L Inv date specified in the Locking setting in the System module.