
Entering an Item Group - A/C Card

Sales Accounts
Paste Special    Account register, Nominal Ledger/System module
Used as default in    Invoices
One of the Sales Accounts specified in these three fields will be credited whenever a member of this Group is used on an Invoice, depending on the Zone of the Customer (specified on the 'Company' card of the Customer screen). If the Item has a Sales Account specified for the appropriate Zone, or there is a record in the Price register for the appropriate Item/Price List combination which has a Sales Account specified, those will take precedence over any entry here. If these fields are blank, the Sales Account will be taken from the Account Usage S/L setting in the Sales Ledger.

The Accounts specified here will usually be used in both Invoices and Credit Notes. If you would like to use different Accounts in Credit Notes, these should be specified on the 'Credit A/C' card of this Item Group record. You should also check the Use Credit Sales Accounts box on card 1 of the Account Usage S/L setting.

VAT Codes
Paste Special    VAT Codes setting, Nominal Ledger
Used as default in    Invoices
Enter a VAT Code for each Zone. Each will specify the VAT Account to be credited whenever a member of this Group is used on an Invoice and the rate at which VAT will be charged. The Zone used will depend on that specified for the Customer.

If the Customer or Item has a VAT Code specified, they will take precedence over any entry here. If these fields are left blank, the VAT Code will be taken from card 3 of the Account Usage S/L setting.

The VAT Codes specified here will usually be used in both Invoices and Credit Notes. If you would like to use different VAT Codes in Credit Notes, these should be specified on the 'Credit A/C' card of this Item Group record. You should also check the Use Credit Sales Accounts box on card 1 of the Account Usage S/L setting.

Cost A/C
Paste Special    Account register, Nominal Ledger/System module
If you are maintaining stock valuations in the Nominal Ledger, specify here the Account to be debited with the calculated cost of goods when Items which are members of this Item Group are sold (removed from stock). The cost of goods is calculated using the Cost Model chosen on the 'Cost' card. If blank, the Stock Cost Account on card 5 of the Account Usage S/L setting will be debited.

This Account will only be used as described above if the Use Item Groups for Cost Accounts option in the Cost Accounting setting in the Stock module is in use. If so, it is recommended that all Stocked Items belong to Item Groups and that all Item Groups have Cost, Purchase Control and Stock Accounts specified.

Please refer to the Cost Accounting page for full details of this feature.

As with all Accounts on this screen, make sure the desired Account is defined in the Account register (available in the Nominal Ledger and the System module) to ensure that Nominal Ledger Transactions are generated without difficulty: Hansa will not attempt to post to non-existent Accounts.

Stock A/C
Paste Special    Account register, Nominal Ledger/System module
If you are maintaining stock valuations in the Nominal Ledger, specify here the Account to be credited with the calculated cost of goods when Items which are members of this Item Group are sold. The cost of goods is calculated using the Cost Model chosen on the 'Cost' card. This Account will be used for Items which do not have a Location specified, or if the Location has no Stock Account. If this Account is blank, the Stock Account on card 5 of the Account Usage S/L setting will be credited.

Where no Location or a Location with no Stock Account is specified, this Account will be debited when Items which are members of this Item Group are received into stock. Again, if this field is blank, the Stock Account from the Account Usage S/L setting will be debited.

For both goods out and goods in transactions, this Account will only be used as described above if the Use Item Groups for Cost Accounts option in the Cost Accounting setting in the Stock module is in use. If so, it is recommended that all Stocked Items belong to Item Groups and that all Item Groups have Cost, Purchase Control and Stock Accounts specified.

Purch. Control A/C
Paste Special    Account register, Nominal Ledger/System module
If you are maintaining stock valuations in the Nominal Ledger, specify here the Account to be credited when Items which are members of this Item Group are received into stock. If this field is blank, the Purchase Control Account on card 5 of the Account Usage S/L setting will be credited.

This Account will only be used as described above if the Use Item Groups for Cost Accounts option in the Cost Accounting setting in the Stock module is in use. If so, it is recommended that all Stocked Items belong to Item Groups and that all Item Groups have Cost, Purchase Control and Stock Accounts specified.

When a Purchase Invoice is created from a Purchase Order, the Cost Accounts in the Invoice will depend on the Purchase Order Item Transfer Control option chosen in the Purchase Invoice Settings setting in the Purchase Ledger. If Purchase Order Item Transfer Control is set to Consolidate By Items And Project or to Transfer Each Row Separately, the Cost Account for Items belonging to this Item Group will be the Account specified here. This will be the debit Account in the Nominal Ledger Transaction that results from the Invoice. Again, if this field is blank, the Purchase Control Account from the Account Usage S/L setting will be used for this purpose.

Do Not Print Freight Labels for this Group
You can prevent the printing of Freight Labels for certain Items. To do so, place these Items in an Item Group whose Do Not Print Freight Labels for this Group option is switched on. This is useful for Service Items such as labour.

Please refer here for details about printing Freight Labels.