
Using Access Groups to Control Price Changes - Prices in Sales Transactions

When you enter an Item in a sales transaction (e.g. Quotation, Order or Invoice), the Unit Price according to the valid Price List for the Customer will be brought in automatically. If the Customer has no Price List specified, or the Item is not on the Price List in question, the Base Price from the Item screen is brought in. You are then free to change this Unit Price in the sales transaction if necessary.

You can prevent a particular user or group of users from changing Unit Prices in sales transactions using Access Groups. To do this, deny access to the 'Change Unit Prices' Action:

A user that has been denied access to the 'Change Unit Prices' Action can still change the Price List in a Quotation, Order or Invoice. If you want to prevent this as well, deny access to the 'Change Prices' Action:

The Access Groups setting is fully described here.