Item Sales Statistics
This report, available in the Sales Ledger only, is a simple list of Items, showing the quantity sold and turnover for each one. Unlike the
Item Statistics report, however, it sorts the Items by sales (turnover or quantity), allowing the most or least successful to be ascertained easily. The statistics are compiled from approved Invoices only.
- Period
- Paste Special
Reporting Periods setting, System module
- Enter the start and end dates of the reporting period, separated by a colon. The period should consist of a number of whole months otherwise the report will not be produced.
- Items
- Paste Special
Item register
- Range Reporting Alpha
- Use this field to limit the report to a single Item, or range of Items.
- Item Group
- Paste Special
Item Group register, Sales Ledger
- To limit the report to a single Item Group, enter an Item Group Code here.
- If both an Item Group and a range of Items are specified, the report will cover only those Items in the range which are members of the specified Item Group.
- No. of Items shown
- Enter here the number of Items to be shown in the report. For example, to list the ten most or least successful Items, enter "10" here.
- Function
- These options control the sort order of the report.
- Highest Qty Sold
- Choose this option to sort the report so that the most successful Items in terms of quantity sold are at the top.
- Lowest Qty Sold
- Choose this option to sort the report so that the least successful Items in terms of quantity sold are at the top. This will not include Items with no sales, unless the Include Items with no sales box (below) is also checked.
- Highest Turnover
- Choose this option to sort the report so that the most successful Items in terms of turnover are at the top.
- Include Items with no sales
- Check this box if you want to include in the report Items that have not been sold during the report period.