
Contract Worth

This report shows how much revenue can be generated from the Contracts in the system during the report period. For each Contract is shown the Contract Number, the Customer, the Contract Value (i.e. the value of a single Invoice raised from the Contract), the Period Value (i.e. the Contract Value multiplied by the number of Invoices that can be raised in the report period) and finally the portion of the contract period that falls in the report period.

Paste Special    Reporting Periods setting, System module
Enter the start and end dates of the report period. The default period is the first record entered in the Reporting Periods setting.

Range Reporting    Numeric
Specify the Contracts to be listed by entering a Contract Number, or range of Contract Numbers. Leave the field blank to show all Contracts.

Paste Special    Contract Classes setting, Contracts module
Enter a Contract Class to show all Contracts of that Class.

Show Base Currency 2 Totals
By default, the report contains figures in the home Currency (Base Currency 1) for the total value of the Contracts listed including and excluding VAT. Check this box if you would like these figures to be expressed in Base Currency 2 as well.