Entering a Delivery - Items Card

The information in the grid on the 'Items' card is dictated by the Order and, where appropriate, by current stock levels. If you need to make a part shipment, change the Quantity of one or more rows as appropriate. You can remove entire rows, by clicking on the row number to the left and pressing the Backspace key. You cannot add or insert rows.
Flip A
- Item
- The Item Number from the Order. This field cannot be changed.
- Description
- The Item Name from the Order.
- Ordered
- The ordered quantity. This field cannot be changed.
- Avail.
- The quantity available in the selected Location at the moment when the Delivery is created. The field will be blank for Plain Items (Items for which a stock history is not maintained) and Service Items, as for these there is no stock balance figure. This field cannot be changed.
- The calculation of this figure is controlled by the Decrease Available on Deliveries options in the Stock Settings setting. The free stock figure for each Item can be reduced by the quantities on previous Deliveries when you create them or when you approve them. So, if you are using the second option, the figure in this field will include delivery quantities from previous unapproved Deliveries.
- The Avail. figure shows the stock level in the Location specified for the Delivery (in the header or on flip B of one of the Delivery rows). If you change the Location, the Avail. figures for each of the Items in the grid will be updated immediately.
- If you have not specified a Location in the header or on flip B, the Avail. figure will refer to all Locations, even if you have specified a Main Location in the Stock Settings setting. In this situation, the stock will be removed from the Main Location when you approve the Delivery. If you are told there is insufficient stock when you try to approve the Delivery but the Avail. figure suggests the stock level is sufficient, a possible reason is that you have not specified a Location in the Delivery, you have specified a Main Location and there is insufficient stock in the Main Location.
- The Avail. figure does not include Reserved stock (stock on unfulfilled Sales Orders and Stock Movements marked as Reserved). For example, if you have 53 in stock and one is Reserved for another Order, the Avail. figure will be 52.
- Del. Qty
- The delivery quantity.
- As a default, HansaWorld Enterprise assumes you wish to ship as many Stocked Items as possible, depending on the Over Delivery options in the Stock Settings setting. You can change the delivery quantity, again depending on the Over Delivery options, as follows:
- Allow
- The default delivery quantity will be the order quantity or the stock balance, whichever is lower. If the order quantity is greater than the stock balance, you will be able to change the delivery quantity to the full order quantity, thus creating negative stock. The possibility of negative stock means it is strongly recommended that you do not use the Allow option if you are using a Queued Cost Model (FIFO or LIFO).
- Any Reserved stock (stock on unfulfilled Sales Orders and Stock Movements marked as Reserved) will not be included in the default quantity. For example, if you have 53 in stock and the order quantity is also 53, but one is Reserved for another Order, the default delivery quantity will be 52. You will be able to change the delivery quantity to 53.
- Do Not Allow
- The default delivery quantity will be the order quantity or the stock balance, whichever is lower. If the order quantity is greater than the stock balance, you will not be able to change the delivery quantity to a figure greater than the stock balance. Since there is no possibility of negative stock, you should use the Do Not Allow option if you are using a Queued Cost Model (FIFO or LIFO).
- Any Reserved stock will not be included in the default quantity. For example, if you have 53 in stock and the order quantity is also 53, but one is Reserved for another Order, the default delivery quantity will be 52. You will be able to change the delivery quantity to 53.
- Always Deliver
- The default delivery quantity will always be the order quantity, even if this is greater than the stock balance. If the order quantity is greater than the stock balance, you will be able to approve the Delivery, thus creating negative stock. The possibility of negative stock means it is strongly recommended that you do not use the Allow option if you are using a Queued Cost Model FIFO or LIFO).
- Any Reserved stock will be included in the default quantity. For example, if you have 53 in stock and the order quantity is also 53, but one is Reserved for another Order, the default delivery quantity will be 53.
- The 'Item Status' function (described briefly here and in full in here) will allow you to see any Reserved quantity.
- For Plain and Service Items, as no stock balance figure is kept, the ordered quantity is always suggested. The Over Delivery options do not apply to Plain and Service Items, so you will always be able to deliver the ordered quantity.
- Negative quantities are not allowed.
- If you would like to be able to deliver a greater Quantity than was ordered, use the Allow Delivered Qty greater than Ordered option in the Stock Settings setting.
Flip B
- Serial No.
- Paste Special
Serial Numbers of Items in stock
- If the Item uses Serial Numbers or batch numbers, you must enter a valid number here.
- For Items with Serial Numbers at the Unit level, if the Order Quantity is greater than 1, the Delivery will contain an appropriate number of separate rows each with a Quantity of one to allow you to enter Serial Numbers individually. On returning to the Order, only the Serial Number of the last Item will be visible.
- In the case of Items requiring Serial Numbers at the Batch level, the Delivery will only contain a single row with the quantity copied from the Sales Order. You can enter a single Serial/Batch Number, providing you have a sufficient quantity in stock with that Serial Number. If this is not the case, you will be told there is insufficient stock when you try to save the Delivery. You can then use the 'Split Row' Operations menu function to divide the row into two, and then enter a second Serial Number in the new row. The 'Split Row' function will ensure that both Delivery rows remain connected to the originating Sales Order row, so the Delivered Quantities in that row will be correct.
- If you have not specified a Location, the 'Paste Special' list will show the Serial Numbers of Items in all Locations, with an indication of the Location in which each Item is stored. However, if you have specified a Location in the header or on flip B of the 'Items' card, only those Serial Numbers stored in that Location will be shown.
- If you would like Best Before dates to be shown in the 'Paste Special' list, switch on the Show Best Before Dates option in the Item Settings setting in the Sales Ledger. Best Before Dates are entered using the Batch Specifications setting in the Stock module and the Batch Quality Control setting in the Service Orders module.
- The 'Paste Special' list will not be shown if you are using the No Serial No. on Goods Receipts option in the Stock Settings setting. In this case, you must still enter a Serial Number and the Quantity must still be one, but no check will be carried out that the Serial Number you have used is valid (i.e. one that is currently in stock).
- Usually, no default Serial Numbers will be offered, so you will need to enter them yourself. There is no automatic FIFO or LIFO allocation. However, in the case of Items that use batch numbers, Serial Numbers will be brought in automatically if you are using the Automatically set Batch Serial Number on Delivery option in the Stock Settings setting. If the Delivery is not approved immediately, there is a risk that the batch Serial Numbers will be delivered to another Customer in the mean time, so you can update these batch Serial Numbers using the 'Refill Batch No. Items' function on the Operations menu.
- The Cost Price for Serial Number option in the Cost Accounting setting in the Stock module controls how the choice of Serial Number affects the Row FIFO field on flip C and the value of any cost accounting element in the Nominal Ledger Transaction resulting from the Delivery. If you are not using this option, a Cost Price calculated using the usual Cost Model will be placed in the Row FIFO field, even though this may not be appropriate for the Serial Number chosen (e.g. if you are using the FIFO Cost Model, the oldest Cost Price will be placed in the Row FIFO field, even if the chosen Serial Number is not the oldest one). If you are using this option, the actual Cost Price of the selected Serial Number will be placed in the Row FIFO field.
- Best Before
- Default taken from
Batch Specifications setting, Stock module
- In the case of perishable goods, enter a Best Before date here.
- A default will be entered once you have chosen a Serial Number. This will be taken from the latest record for the Item and Serial Number in the Batch Quality Control setting in the Service Orders module. If there is no appropriate record in that setting, the default will be taken from the Batch Specifications setting in the Stock module.
- You can use the Batch Specification and Batch Quality Control settings to control the selling of goods with Best Before Dates. When you receive an Item with a Serial Number and Best Before Date into stock using a Goods Receipt, a record with that Best Before Date will be created in the Batch Specifications setting automatically. As the Best Before Date approaches, you might enter a record to the Batch Quality Control setting with a Give Warning Status. If you then use the Serial Number in a Delivery, this will mean that you will be given a warning that the Best Before Date is approaching. When the Best Before Date passes, you might enter a second record with a Disallow Use Status. This will prevent further sales of Items belonging to the batch.
- Location
- Paste Special
Locations setting, Stock module
- You can enter a separate stock Location for each row of the Delivery.
- Position
- Paste Special
Position register, Warehouse Management module
- You can only use this field if you are using the Warehouse Management module. In this case, if the Demand Position option has been checked in the relevant Location, the Position field will contain the Delivery Position for Picking (e.g. Warehouse exit ramp). This will set by default providing you created the Delivery using the 'Create Deliveries from Orders' Maintenance function. This function will also create one Stock Movement for each Delivery row, moving the Items from their Position in the Warehouse to the Delivery Position for Picking. You can mark all of these Stock Movements as Received at one stroke using the 'OK Warehouse Stock Movements' function. The Status of each To Position will be changed to "Free". Once you have done this, you will be able to approve the Delivery.
Flip C
- Recipe
- The Recipe for Structured Items is entered here. This field cannot be changed.
- Row FIFO
- This field records the FIFO value of the row and is calculated automatically when you approve the Delivery.
- The calculation of this figure will usually use the Cost Model specified in the relevant Item or Item Group record. If that Cost Model is Default, the Primary Cost Model specified in the Cost Accounting setting will be used. Despite its name, the field will therefore show the total FIFO, LIFO, Weighted Average or other value of the row, depending on the Cost Model. The exception is when the Item requires Serial Numbers and you are using the Cost Price for Serial Number option in the Cost Accounting setting: please refer to the description of the Serial No. field on flip B above for details.
- When you approve and save the Delivery, the value in the Row FIFO field may be credited to the Stock Account and debited to the Cost of Sales Account in the resulting Nominal Ledger transaction. This will happen if you have chosen to have Cost of Sales Transactions created from Deliveries and not from Invoices. Please refer to the Cost Accounting Transactions from Deliveries and Invoices' page for more details.
- If you would like the Cost Price figure in the Order to be updated with a unit cost of sales value calculated from this Row FIFO figure, use the Update GP on Order when Delivering option in the Order Settings setting in the Sales Orders module. The Gross Profit of the Order will be recalculated accordingly when you approve the Delivery.
- If the Item is a Structured Item whose Paste Components During Entry box is not checked, this field will usually remain empty when you approve the Delivery. A stock value will only appear here if there is only one component to the Structured Item.
- W. Av. Base2
- When you approve and save the Delivery, the unit Weighted Average value of the Item in Base Currency 2 will be placed here, taken from the 'Costs' card of the Item record.
- In the resulting Nominal Ledger Transaction, the value in Base Currency 1 in that Transaction will be calculated using the Cost Model. This figure will usually then be converted to Base Currency 2 using the current rate.
- If you use the Weighted Average in Base Currency 2 option in the Cost Accounting setting, the value in Base Currency 1 will be calculated using the Cost Model as normal. But this figure will not be converted to Base Currency 2: instead the Base Currency 2 figure in the cost accounting Transaction will be taken from this field.
- Base Price
- This field shows the unit Base Price (retail price) of the Item in the home Currency, taken from the Item record.
- Coeff.
- Default taken from
- The Unit Coefficient of the Item is shown here, taken from the 'Stock' card of the Item. If you are maintaining stock quantities using different units of measurement, this coefficient is the ratio between those units of measurement.
Flip D
- Source
- Paste Special
Sources setting, Stock module
- Default taken from Order
- You can use this field to record the origin of the Item (e.g. the manufacturer).
- Despatch Date, Time
- You can record the despatch date and time for this Delivery row here.
Flip E
- Cost A/C
- Paste Special
Account register, Nominal Ledger/System module
- The Cost of Sales Account entered here will be debited in any Nominal Ledger Transaction created when you approve the Delivery. The default will be the Cost Account for the Item Group to which the Item belongs, if you are using the Use Item Groups for Cost Accounts option in the Cost Accounting setting. If this is blank, the Item does not belong to an Item Group or you are not using the Use Item Groups for Cost Accounts option, it will be the Cost Account for the Item. In all other cases, it will be the Cost Account specified in the Account Usage Stock setting. In all cases, the appropriate Cost Account for the Zone of the Customer will be used.
- Objects
- Paste Special
Object register, Nominal Ledger/System module
- Default taken from Order row
- You can assign up to 20 Objects, separated by commas, to this Item and all transactions generated from it. You might define separate Objects to represent different departments, cost centres or product types. This provides a flexible method of analysis that can be used in Nominal Ledger reports.
- By default, the Objects entered here are taken from the Order row to which the Delivery row corresponds, but you can change them if necessary. Usually these Objects will represent the Item.
- In any Nominal Ledger Transactions generated from this Delivery, any Objects specified here will be assigned to the debit posting to the Cost Account (Cost of Sales Account). This assignment will merge these Objects with those of the parent Delivery (shown in the header). They will also be assigned to the credit posting to the Stock Account if you are using the Object for Stock Account option in the Cost Accounting setting.
- Width, Height, Depth
- Default taken from
- These fields contain the dimensions of the Item.
- If the Item is one that is sold by area or volume, you can have the Delivered Quantity calculated by multiplying the dimensions together. If you would like to use this feature, first check the Enable Quantity Calculation box in the Item Settings setting in the Sales Ledger. Then, check the Calculate Quantity box for the Unit that has been assigned to the Item. If the Item is sold by area, choose the Two Dimensions option in the Unit record, and the Delivered Quantity will be calculated once you have entered the Width and Height. If the Item is sold by volume, choose the Three Dimensions option in the Unit record, and the Delivered Quantity will be calculated once you have entered the Width, Height and Depth. Please refer to the page describing the Units setting for details and an example.
Flip F
- Packages
- Enter the number of Packages for this row. This together with the Pack Type (below) can be printed on Delivery documentation to allow the Customer to ascertain quickly that the correct number and type of packages has been delivered (please refer to the description of the Pack Types setting for details). The total number of Packages for the Delivery is shown on the 'Packaging' card.
- P. Type
- Paste Special
Pack Types setting, Stock module
- Specify here the type of Package used to deliver this Item (e.g. envelope or box).
- Package Desc
- The Name of the Pack Type is shown here after you have entered the Pack Type above.
- Excise
- You can use this field to record the consignment or customs number of the outgoing shipment for this Item. If you would like this number to be printed on the Delivery Note and on the Invoice that relates to this Delivery, include the "Excise" field in your Form designs.
- OK
- Check this box to approve the Delivery. When you save the approved Delivery, you will no longer be able to change it. Stock levels may be amended, depending on the Decrease Available on Deliveries options in the Stock Settings setting (they are otherwise amended when you create the Delivery). If you have determined that cost accounting transactions are to be created at the point of delivery, stock transactions in the Nominal Ledger will now be raised (they may otherwise be raised after invoicing). Cost accounting transactions from Deliveries are described here.
- You must approve the Delivery before you can raise an invoice for it from the Order.
- When you print the Delivery, the Form used will depend on whether you have approved the Delivery. If the Delivery is not approved, the Form will be determined by the Picking List document, otherwise it will be determined by the Delivery Note document. Please refer to the Printing Picking Lists and Delivery Notes page for more details about printing documents and determining Forms.
- You can use Access Groups to control who can approve Deliveries. To do this, deny access to the 'OKing Deliveries' Action.
- References in these web pages to approved Deliveries are to those whose OK check box is on.
- Del. Qty
- This shows the total number of Items delivered.
- Comment
- Default taken from
Sales Order
- Any comment that you enter here will be printed on the Freight Label, Picking List and Delivery Note if you include the "Comment" field in your Form designs.