
Contact Classifications

This setting in the CRM module allows you to define any number of Classifications, which you can then use to categorise your Contacts, perhaps recording their relationship to you (e.g. lead, service customer or retail customer). You can do this using the Classification field on the 'Contact' card of the Contact record. This field can contain one or more Classification Codes, separated by commas. So, for example, a particular Contact can be both a lead and have a credit rating of 3.

The Contact Classification provides a different means of classifying Contacts compared with the Customer Categories setting in the Sales Ledger. You will usually use the Category to record the types of business in which your Contacts are engaged. You can allocate more than one Contact Classification to each Customer, but only one Category.

You can use the Contact Classification as a search criterion in many reports in the CRM module (and the EU VAT Sales report in the Sales Ledger) , and you can also use it as a means of targeting mailshots using the Customer Letter register in the CRM module.

You can divide Contact Classifications into Classification Types, allowing great flexibility.

The 'Contact Classifications: Browse' window lists the available Contact Classifications: to enter a new item, click the [New] button in the Button Bar. The 'Contact Classification: New' window appears: enter the details as appropriate and click [Save] to save the new record. You can use the 'Paste Special' function from the Classification Type field to bring up a selection list.

Once you have saved a new record for the first time, you cannot change its Code simply by typing into the field. If you need to change a Code, use the Conversions - Master and Conversions - Contact Classifications settings in the System module. These settings will change the Code both here and in all other registers where the Classification has been used.