
Entering a Contact - Terms Card

Sales Pay. Terms
Paste Special    Payment Terms setting, Sales/Purchase Ledger
Used as default in    Quotations, Sales Orders, Sales Invoices
Purch. Pay. Terms
Paste Special    Payment Terms setting, Sales/Purchase Ledger
Used as default in    Purchase Orders, Purchase Invoices
Specify here the Payment Terms to be used with the Contact. These Terms will be copied to Sales and Purchase Invoices, where they will ensure that the Due Dates are calculated correctly. Payment Terms also allow you to configure a system of early settlement discounts.

Specifying Sales or Purchase Payment Terms in each Invoice provide the basis for the debt chasing and credit management reports provided in HansaWorld Enterprise.

In the Baltic States, there are circumstances where Purchase Invoices should follow the same number sequence as that used by Payments and Cash Out records. For this to happen, define the number sequences using the right-hand From and To fields on flip C of the Payment Modes setting. Then check the Common Number Series box in the Cash Book Settings setting in the Cash Book module. Finally, enter Payment Modes to the Purch. Pay. Terms field for cash Suppliers. When you enter such a Supplier in a Purchase Invoice, the Invoice Number will change to one in the correct sequence. When you approve the Invoice, it will be treated as paid and no posting to a Creditor Account will be made. Instead, a credit posting will be made to the Account of the Payment Mode (i.e. a bank or cash Account).

If you have entered a Default Payment Term in the Contact Settings setting, it will be entered to the Sales Pay. Terms field automatically.

Sales Credit Limit
Specify here the Credit Limit that you have granted to this company. This figure should be in your home Currency. You can use the Credit Limit setting in the Sales Ledger can be used to warn against or prevent the entering of Orders or Invoices for Customers who have exceeded their Credit Limit.

If you want to allow a company no credit at all, set their Sales Credit Limit to 0.01.

Purch. Credit Limit
Specify the Credit Limit extended to your firm by this company here. This is for information only.

Their Supp. Code
If the Contact is a Customer, enter the Supplier Number that they are using for your firm in their database.

Their Cust. No.
If the Contact is a Supplier, enter the Customer Number that they are using for your firm in their database. If you want this to be printed on Purchase Order documents, Purchase Order Contracts, Purchase Order Quotations and Supplier Invoices, include the "Own Customer Number" field in your Form designs. If you want it to be printed in Payment Forms, include the "Our Customer Number" field in your Form design.

Invoice To
Paste Special    Customers and Suppliers in Contact register
If the Contact is a Customer who will not be paying your Invoices themselves but may, for example, be purchasing through a leasing company, enter the Contact Number of that company here (that company must also be a Customer or a Supplier in the Contact register).

When Sales Invoices for this Customer are created from Sales Orders, they will be made out to the company specified here.

Purch. Invoice To
Paste Special    Suppliers in Contact register
If the Contact is a Supplier that uses a factoring company (to which Payments are to be sent), enter the Contact Number of that company here (that company must also be a Supplier in the Contact register).

ANA Code
Record the unique number assigned by the Article Numbering Association to this Contact here. This will most usually be necessary if the Contact is an EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) Customer (set using the check box described below) or is a Supplier to whom you will issue EDI Purchase Orders. In the UK, companies with an ANA Code can create their own bar codes.

Min. Order Sum
If the Contact is a Supplier, record here the minimum order value they will accept. This is for information purposes only, although it can be shown in the Purchase Order Stock report.

Interest Rate
If the Contact is a Customer to whom you may be issuing Interest Invoices, enter here the annual rate of interest to be used in calculating interest charges.

If you leave this field blank, the percentage will be taken from the Interest setting in the Sales Ledger. Wherever the percentage is taken from, the Sales Account and VAT Code are specified using the Interest setting: you can also use that setting to specify any fee to be levied for the raising of Interest Invoices.

Interest Invoices are raised using the 'Create Interest Invoices' Maintenance function in the Sales Ledger, and will only be raised for Customers whose Interest box has been checked (described below).

If the Contact is a Supplier, the Reference entered here will be copied to the Reference field on the 'Terms' card of any Purchase Invoices entered in the Supplier's name.

Creation Date
This field automatically records when this Contact record was added to your HansaWorld Enterprise database and cannot be changed.

You can use the Customer List report to list Customers that were added or changed after a certain date.

Last Changed
This field is updated automatically whenever you make a modification to the Contact record on screen.

Check this box if the Contact is no longer to be used (if the Contact is a Customer or Supplier, you cannot delete it altogether if Sales Orders or Sales or Purchase Invoices have been raised in their name). Closed Contacts will appear in the 'Contacts: Browse' window but not in the Contacts 'Paste Special' list. You will not be able to enter Sales Orders or Sales or Purchase Invoices for closed Customers or Suppliers. You can re-open a closed Contact at any time.

If the Closed Contact is a Contact Person working for a Customer or Supplier company, they will still appear in the list of people working for that company at the bottom of the 'Contact' card, but a red line will be drawn through their name and details. They will not appear in the 'Paste Special' list of Contact Persons obtained from the Primary Contact and Attn. fields in various registers.

EGO Customer
This check box is designed for use in Denmark, where Invoices issued to some Customers are not printed out but are sent electronically to a third party such as the Post Office for processing. Check this box for all such Customers. Please refer to your local HansaWorld representative for full details.

On Hold
If the Contact is a Customer that you have put on hold, check this box. You can raise Sales Invoices for Customers that are on hold, but you will not be able to approve them (commit them to the Sales and Nominal Ledgers). You will be able to enter Orders for such Customers, but you won't be able to create Deliveries (ship any goods to them).

Some Maintenance functions (e.g. 'Create Contract Invoices' in the Contracts module and 'Create Deliveries from Orders') will not create new records for Customers that are on hold.

EDI Customer
The EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) module allows you to receive Sales Orders and issue Invoices electronically in particular formats. If you have this module and this Contact is a Customer that uses this system, check this box. You can only raise EDI Invoices for Customers with this box checked. Please refer to your local representative for full details.

Check this box if the Contact is a Customer that you want to receive Open Invoice Customer Statements and Reminders for late payment.

If this box is on for a Customer, you can ensure reminders are not sent for particular Invoices by checking the No Reminder box on the 'Delivery' card of the Invoice screen.

Allow Login
If you are using the HansaWorld Enterprise Web Shop facility and wish to allow this Contact to place Orders over the web, check this box. They can use their Customer Number or email address as Login IDs, and you can allocate them a password using the 'Change Password' function on the Operations menu of the 'Contacts: Browse' window.

If you would like this check box to be on by default in new Contact records, use the Allow Login option in the Contact Settings setting.

Check this box if the Contact is a Customer that is to be sent interest Invoices for late payments. Please refer here for full details of this feature.

If this box is on for a Customer, you can ensure interest is not charged on particular Invoices by checking the No Interest box on the 'Delivery' card of the Invoice screen.

Fiscal Invoices Only
If the Contact is a Customer, check this box if their Invoices are to be classified as Fiscal Invoices. Fiscal Invoices should be printed on fiscal printers in some countries.

On Account
Check this box if the Contact is Customer from whom you want to be able to receive Prepayments and On Account Receipts (i.e. you want to allow them to pay before you have invoiced them) and/or the Contact is a Supplier to whom you want to be able to issue Prepayments and On Account Payments (i.e. to be able to pay them before you receive Invoices). Full details of the sales side can be found here and of the purchase side here.

On the sales side, before you can enter Prepayments and On Account Receipts, you must specify an On Account A/C on the 'Debtors' card of the Account Usage S/L setting. Alternatively, you can specify such an Account in the Debtors On Account A/C field in the Customer Category. This Account will be credited with the value of these Receipts.

On the purchase side, before you can enter Prepayments and On Account Payments, you must specify an On Account A/C on the 'Creditors' card of the Account Usage P/L setting. Alternatively, you can specify such an Account in the Supplier Category or in the individual Contact record (on the 'Accounts' card). This Account will be debited with the value of these Payments.
If you would like this check box to be on by default in new Contact records, use the On Account option in the Contact Settings setting.

No Mass Letters
Check this box if you want printed letters to be sent to the Contact when specifically addressed to them, but you do not want the Contact to be included in mass mailing campaigns. A mass mailing campaign is one generated from a Customer Letter whose Customer field is empty.

You can switch this option on or off for several Contacts at once using the Maintenance function in the CRM module. If you would like this check box to be on by default in new Contact records, use the No Mass Letters option in the Contact Settings setting.

No Mass Emailing
Check this box if you want single emails to be sent to the Contact when specifically addressed to them, but you do not want the Contact to be included in mass emailing campaigns. A mass emailing campaign is one generated from a Customer Letter whose Customer field is empty.

You can switch this option on or off for several Contacts at once using the Maintenance function in the CRM module. If you would like this check box to be on by default in new Contact records, use the No Mass Emailing option in the Contact Settings setting.

No Factoring
If you use a factoring company to pay your Sales Invoices, you will regularly use the 'Invoices for Factoring' Export function in the Sales Ledger to send details of your Invoices to the factoring company. If you want to receive payment from a particular Customer yourself and do not want details of that Customer's Invoices to be sent to the factoring company, check this box.

No Environment Tax
If the Contact is a Customer, check this box if you do not want environment tax to be charged on their Invoices. Please refer to the description of the Environment Tax setting here for full details of this feature.

No Extra Tax
If the Contact is a Customer, check this box if you do not want Extra Tax to be charged on their Invoices. Please refer to the description of flip B of the VAT Codes setting here for full details of this feature. If you want to charge Extra Tax to a Customer but at a discounted rate, use the Extra Tax Customer Discounts setting in the Sales Ledger.

If the Contact is a Supplier, this check box will not apply. Extra Tax will always be calculated in Purchase Invoices at the full rate if the VAT Code has a Tax %.

No Region Perceptions
If the Contact is a Customer, check this box if you do not want Regional Perception Tax to be charged on their Invoices. Please refer to the description of the Regional Perception Taxes setting here for full details of this feature. If you want to charge Regional Perception Tax to a Customer but at a discounted rate, use the Regional Perception Customer Discounts setting in the Sales Ledger.

Group Invoicing Only
Check this box if the Contact is a Customer to whom Invoices can only be issued from Sales Orders using the 'Group Invoicing' Maintenance function. You will not be able to issue Invoices using the 'Invoice Delivered Orders' Maintenance function or the 'Create Invoice' function on the Operations menu of the Sales Order window. You will still be able to enter Invoices directly to the Invoice register.