
Create Interest Invoices

This function creates Invoices for interest on late payment and places them in the Invoice register. These Invoices are not approved, and it is therefore possible to modify or delete any of them before they are approved. If you would like to see the details of the Invoices before they are created, produce an Interest Invoicing report before using this function.

Interest Invoices can use a different Number Series to that used by other Invoices. If you would like to make use of this feature, specify the Number Series to be used in the Number Series Defaults setting in the System Module. Otherwise the first number sequence in the Number Series - Invoices setting will be used.

In order to create Interest Invoices, a number of conditions must be met:

  • The Interest setting must be completed with the correct interest conditions. This setting is described here.

  • An interest Item and, if appropriate, an interest fee Item, must be present in the Item register. If you intend to use special Sales Accounts for interest and interest fees, specify these in the Item records.

  • For each Customer to whom Interest Invoices can be issued, switch on the Interest check box (on the 'Terms' card of the Customer screen). Individual Invoices made out to such Customers can be excluded from the interest calculation by checking the No Interest box on the 'Delivery' card.

Invoices in Period
Paste Special    Reporting Periods setting, System module
Interest will be charged on outstanding Invoices whose Invoice Dates fall within the period specified here.

Customer No.
Paste Special    Customer register
Range Reporting    Alpha
Enter the Number of the Customer (or range of Customer Numbers, separated by a colon) for whom you want to generate Interest Invoices.

Paste Special    Customer Categories setting, Sales Ledger
If you want to limit the selection to a certain Customer Category, enter the Category number here.

Paste Special    Person register, System module
If you want to limit the selection to Invoices with a particular Salesman, enter their initials here.

Period From Date, To Date
Paste Special    Current Date
The period for which the Interest Invoices are to be generated. The previous month is entered as the default. Edit the date range to suit your purposes.

If the Debiting Mode in the Interest setting is Running, interest will be charged on all overdue Invoices. If the Calculation method in the same setting is Inv. Date Rate * Late Days or Current Rate * Late Days, interest will be charged daily for this period. If the Calculation method is Flat Rate per Debiting, a single interest rate will be levied on each overdue Invoice.

If the Debiting Mode is At Payment, interest will only be charged on overdue Invoices for which payment was received during this period. If the Calculation method is Inv. Date Rate * Late Days or Current Rate * Late Days, interest will be charged daily for the entire overdue period. If the Calculation method is Flat Rate per Debiting, a single interest rate will be levied on each overdue Invoice for which payment was received.

Int. Invoice Date
Paste Special    Current Date
Enter a date to be used as the Invoice Date in the Interest Invoices generated in this run. If no date is entered, the current date will be used.

Including Period on Invoice
Switch this option on if you want the period (as defined using the From Date and To Date above) to be shown in a separate row on the Interest Invoices.
If it is necessary to issue a Credit Note against an Interest Invoice, you cannot use the normal method of copying the original Invoice and changing the Payment Terms. Instead, follow these steps:
  1. Create a new record in the Invoice register. Do not copy the Interest Invoice.

  2. After entering the Customer, change the Payment Term to one that is of the type "Credit Note".

  3. In the first row of the specification area, a crediting message appears. Enter the number of the Invoice to be credited, using 'Paste Special' if necessary to bring up a list of open (unpaid) Invoices.

  4. Enter the Items for interest and invoicing fees with appropriate amounts. These Items for interest and invoicing fees should be the same as those specified in the Interest setting.

  5. Check everything and approve the Invoice.