
Purchase Order Stock

This report is a list of the unfulfilled Purchase Orders in the system, showing Purchase Order Number, Order Date, Supplier, and unfulfilled order value. Further information is available, depending on the level of detail chosen. Unfulfilled Purchase Orders are those with no related Goods Receipts. Purchase Orders with related unapproved Goods Receipts are treated as fulfilled for the purposes of this report and are therefore not shown. Purchase Orders with partial Goods Receipts can optionally be shown in the report.

When printed to screen, the Purchase Order Stock report has the HansaWorld Enterprise Drill-down feature. Click on any Purchase Order Number to open an individual Purchase Order record.

Purchase Order
Range Reporting    Numeric
Use this field to limit the report to a single Purchase Order, or range of Purchase Orders.

Paste Special    Item register
Use this field to limit the report to Purchase Orders containing a particular Item. In the Overview, the figures shown in the report will be for the whole Order, not just for the specified Item.

Paste Special    Suppliers in Contact register
To limit the report to Purchase Orders to a single Supplier, enter a Supplier Number here.

Paste Special    Contact Classifications setting, CRM module
Enter a Classification Code in this field if you want to list Purchase Orders issued to Suppliers with a certain Classification. If the field is empty, Purchase Orders issued to every Supplier, with and without Classification, will be included in the report. If you enter a number of Classifications separated by commas, only Purchase Orders issued to Suppliers featuring all the Classifications listed will be shown. If you enter a number of Classifications separated by plus signs (+), Purchase Orders issued to Suppliers featuring at least one of the Classifications listed will be shown. If you enter a Classification preceded by an exclamation mark (!), Purchase Orders issued to Suppliers featuring any Classification except the one listed will be shown.

For example:
Lists Purchase Orders issued to Suppliers with Classifications 1 and 2 (including Suppliers with Classifications 1, 2 and 3).

Lists Purchase Orders issued to Suppliers with Classifications 1 or 2.

Lists Purchase Orders issued to all Suppliers except those with Classification 2.

Lists Purchase Orders issued to Suppliers with Classification 1 but excludes those to Suppliers with Classification 2 (i.e. Purchase Orders issued to Suppliers with Classifications 1 and 2 are not shown). Note the comma before the exclamation mark in this example.

Lists Purchase Orders issued to all Suppliers except those with Classification 1 or 2 or both. Again, note the comma.

Lists Purchase Orders issued to all Suppliers except those with Classifications 1 and 2 (Items with Classifications 1, 2 and 3 will not be listed).

Lists Purchase Orders issued to Suppliers without Classification 1 and those with Classification 2 (Purchase Orders issued to Suppliers with Classifications 1 and 2 will be listed).

Lists Purchase Orders issued to Suppliers with Classifications 1 and 2, and those with Classifications 3 and 4.
Classification Type
Paste Special    Classification Types setting, CRM module
Enter a Classification Type in this field if you want to list Purchase Orders issued to Suppliers with a Classification belonging to that Type. If the field is empty, Purchase Orders issued to all Suppliers, with and without Classification, are included. If you enter a number of Classification Types separated by commas, Purchase Orders issued to Suppliers featuring a Classification belonging to any of those Types will be shown.

Item Groups
Paste Special    Item Group register, Sales Ledger
Range Reporting    Alpha
Use this field to limit the report to Purchase Orders containing Items belonging to a single Item Group or range of Item Groups. In the Overview, the figures shown in the report will be for the whole Order, not just for the Items belonging to the specified Group.

Planned Delivery
Paste Special    Choose date
If you wish to report on Purchase Orders whose Deliveries are to be received on a specific date (based on the Planned Del. fields on the 'Date' card and flip D of the 'Items' card of the Purchase Order screen), enter that date here.

Paste Special    Locations setting, Stock module
Use this field to limit the report to Purchase Orders for Items intended for a single stock Location (specified on the 'Del Address' card of the Purchase Order).

Paste Special    Project register, Job Costing module (if installed)
Use this field to list Purchase Orders related to a specific Project. This refers both to the Project on the 'Terms' card of the Purchase Order and to the one on flip C of each Purchase Order row. If a Purchase Order has various rows assigned to different Projects, only those rows connected to the Project specified here will be included in the report. If the field on flip C is blank in a particular row, that row will be connected to the Project specified at the Purchase Order level.

Paste Special    Purchase Order Classes setting, Purchase Orders module
Enter a Purchase Order Class code to limit the report to Purchase Orders of a single Class.

Show only not fully received items
If you are using the Part Received option below together with the Detailed or Order Rows options, switch this option on if you want the report to list unfulfilled (unreceived or part-received) Purchase Order rows only. Otherwise, all Purchase Order rows will be shown (i.e. fully received rows will also be listed).

Include Minimum Order Sum
Use this option to show for each Purchase Order the Minimum Order Sum from the 'Terms' card of the Contact record for each Supplier. This applies to the Overview and Detailed options only.

Planned Delivery Date on Overview
Usually, the Overview option shows the Order Date of each Purchase Order. Check this box if you would like the Planned Delivery Date to be shown instead.

Use these options to control the level of detail shown in the report.
This option displays the most important Purchase Order journal information (Order Number, Date, Supplier Name and Order Quantity or Value yet to be received, depending on whether you use the Amount or Quantity options below) in a table format.

At the Purchase Order level, this option provides the additional information of Payment Terms and Planned Delivery Date. It also shows the Purchase Order rows with Item Code and Name, and various quantities or values that depend on whether you use the Amount or Quantity options below.

Order Rows
This option shows minimal Purchase Order level information (Order No, Date and Planned Delivery Date). For each Purchase Order row, it shows the Item Code and various quantities or values that depending on whether you use the Amount or Quantity options below.
Use these options to determine whether values or quantities are to appear in the report.
The Overview will show the total unfulfilled value of each Purchase Order.

The Detailed and Order Rows options will show the unfulfilled quantity, the unit cost and the unfulfilled total cost of each Purchase Order row.

The Overview will show the total unfulfilled quantity of each Purchase Order.

The Detailed option will show for each Purchase Order row the quantities ordered, received, invoiced and remaining to be received.

The Order Rows option will show for each Purchase Order row the quantities ordered, received and remaining to be received.
Check one or more of the boxes to include Purchase Orders of different status.
Not Received
The report will only list Purchase Orders with no related Goods Receipts. An unapproved partial Goods Receipt will be enough to remove a Purchase Order from the report.

Part Received
Use this option if you would like the report to include Purchase Orders that have been partially received. Values and quantities in the report will be the values and quantities that you are yet to receive.