Entering an Activity - Customer Card
- Customer
- Paste Special
Customers, Suppliers and Contact Persons in Contact register
- Enter a Contact Number or use the 'Paste Special' function. When you press Return, the Customer's or Supplier's name, Primary Contact and Telephone Number will be entered into the fields below.
- If the Activity Type of the Activity belongs to an Activity Class whose Force Entry Of Customer option is on, you must enter a Customer before you can save the Activity.
- By default, the 'Paste Special' list shows Customers. Click the [Suppliers] button in the top left-hand corner of the 'Paste Special' window if you need to see Suppliers, and the [All Contacts] button if you need to see Customers, Suppliers and Contact Persons.
If you need to call the Contact, click the [Communicate] button in the Button Bar:
The 'Business Communicator' window opens, showing the Contact's contact details in the Contact Method area on the right of the window. Subject to your computer or network having the suitable connection software and hardware, click on a contact method in the list, and then click the appropriate button. For more details, please refer to the description of the 'Business Communicator' window here.
- Name
- The Customer or Supplier Name is entered by Standard CRM after you have entered the Customer or Supplier Number.
- Telephone
- The Customer's or Supplier's Telephone Number is entered by Standard CRM after you have entered the Customer or Supplier Number.
- Contact
- Paste Special
Contact Persons in Contact register
- Default taken from Contact
- Enter the name of the Contact Person you were or will be talking to or working with. The 'Paste Special' function will only list Contact Persons belonging to the specified Customer or Supplier. The Primary Contact of the Customer or Supplier will be brought in as a default.
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