
Introduction to Persons in Books by HansaWorld

The Person register holds information about Persons, i.e. users, employees, sales persons etc. You can use it as part of your Books by HansaWorld security system: each Person can be given their own password. Once you have entered at least one record to the register, the password dialog box will appear each time you start Books by HansaWorld, requiring you to enter your Signature (i.e. log-in ID) and password.

Licenses to use Books by HansaWorld fall into two categories: Named Users and Concurrent Users. You should record these licenses in the Configuration setting in the System module, as follows:

No. of Users
The total number of licenses (Named + Concurrent)

Concurrent Users
The number of Concurrent licenses. The number of Named licenses is therefore No. of Users - Concurrent Users.

Extra Mailboxes
The number of Concurrent licenses that have Mailboxes. All Named licenses have Mailboxes, so Named licenses should not be included in this field.
The difference between Named and Concurrent Users is as follows:
Named Users
Named Users are useful in cases where you need to limit access to Books by HansaWorld to certain specific employees in an organization.

For example, if you have purchased three Named Users, you can register a maximum of three Named Users in the Person register. These three Named Users must have Mailboxes. All three will be able to log in to Books by HansaWorld at once. The purchase of three Named Users acts as a limit on both the number of Named Users you can enter in the Person register and on the number of Named Users who can log in at the same time.

Concurrent Users
Concurrent Users are useful in cases where many employees in an organization will need access to Books by HansaWorld, but not all at the same time.

For example, if you have purchased three Concurrent Users, you can register any number of Concurrent Users in the Person register. These Concurrent Users should not have Mailboxes, unless you have purchased Extra Mailboxes for them. Any three will be able to log in to Books by HansaWorld at once. The purchase of three Concurrent Users does not act as a limit on the number of Concurrent Users you can enter in the Person register, only on the number of Concurrent Users who can log in at the same time.
If you need Person records for employees who will not use Books by HansaWorld (perhaps to record sales by employees that will not use Books by HansaWorld themselves), they should be Concurrent Users (even if you have not purchased any Concurrent licenses).


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