
Individual Maintenance functions - Update Contracts

This function updates the Contract register with new details from the Item and Contact registers.

Paste Special    Customers in Contact register
Range Reporting    Alpha
To update all Contracts of a particular Customer, enter a Customer Number or range of Customer Numbers here.

Range Reporting    Numeric
To update particular Contracts, enter a Contract Number or a range of Contract Numbers here. Any Contract in the range with a Next Price Change date later than the current date will not be updated.

Paste Special    Contract Classes setting
To update all Contracts belonging to a particular Class, enter a Contract Class here.

Paste Special    Item register
To update a particular Item wherever it appears in Contracts, enter its Item Number here.

Price Increase in %
Enter a figure here to increase all prices in the selected Contracts by a certain percentage. You must choose to Update Prices using the check box below as well. This means that if there have been any price changes (i.e. in the Item register), the Contract Price will first be changed to the new figure and then increased by this percentage.

Invoice Days Before/After
Any figure that you enter here will be copied to the Days field in each selected Contract.

Use these options to determine the fields that are to be changed by the function.

Invoice Days
Use these options to choose the Before Period or After Period options in the selected Contracts, or to leave these options unchanged.
Press the [Run] button to start the updating process.


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