Search HansaManuals Home >> Standard ERP >> Introduction and Installation >> Structure of Standard ERP Eelmine Järgmine Prindi kogu peatükk Otsi Juhend HansaWorld Enterprise'i versioonile 7.1 Structure of Enterprise by HansaWorld An Enterprise by HansaWorld system consists of two or more modules that interact with each other. Each module contains a number of registers in which information of a particular type is stored. For example, information about Customers and Suppliers is stored in a Contact register, information about Items is stored in an Item register and so on. The smallest system (the Accounting package) consists of four modules with the following registers:Registers contain the information with which you will be working daily, such as Customers, Suppliers, Sales Orders and Invoices. Each module also contains a number of preferences, known as "Settings". Settings can contain information that will be used in 'look-up' tables. Settings can also be used to control how particular functions or features operate. Larger Enterprise by HansaWorld systems have a more complex structure. The Contact and Item registers, for example, are included in several modules - Quotations, Sales Orders, Sales Ledger, Stock, Contracts and Job Costing. --- In this chapter:
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