
Debtors Letter

The Debtors Letter is a variation of the Open Invoice Customer Statement. Its primary purpose is to allow you to print statement information using two different Form Templates, without the need to change the Form Definition each time. The fields that you can include in the two Form Templates are the same and work in the same way.

One reason for having alternative forms is to provide flexibility over the sending of reminders. You can use the following forms when you need to send reminders to Customers:

Will send a separate reminder for each outstanding Invoice, so a single Customer may receive several reminders.

Open Invoice Customer Statement
Will send a single reminder to each Customer with at least one outstanding Invoice.

Debtors Letter
Will send a single reminder to each Customer with at least one outstanding Invoice.
You might want to use one form to send a list of outstanding Invoices to a Customer and one to send more textual information such as a reminder. The provision of the two forms (Debtors Letter and Open Invoice Customer Statement) will satisfy such a requirement. Both forms support the "Reminder Level (remtext)" field. If you include this field in the Form Template that will be used by one of the forms, the Reminder Levels in the Invoices in the field will be checked and the Reminder Text for the highest Level will be printed in that field.

Please refer to the description of the Open Invoice Customer Statement here for details about the specification window and for a list of the fields you can include in the Form Template.


Forms in the Sales Ledger:

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