Entering a Purchase Invoice - Accounts Card
This page describes the fields on the 'Accounts' card of the Purchase Invoice record. Please follow the links below for descriptions of the other cards:

- P/Order No.
- In the case of a Purchase Invoice created from Purchase Order, the Purchase Order Number will be shown here.
- This field will also show the originating Purchase Order Number in a Purchase Invoice created from a Goods Receipt, copied from the Purch. Order No. field on the 'Terms' card of the Goods Receipt. In some cases, the Purch. Order No. field in a Goods Receipt so nothing will be copied. This will occur in a Goods Receipt that you have linked to more than Purchase Order and/or when you are using the PO number only on Goods Receipt rows (not in header) option in the Stock Settings setting.
- This field cannot be changed.
- P/O Process No.
- Paste Special
Purchase Order Process register, Purchase Orders module
- In the case of a Purchase Invoice created from a Purchase Order that has an associated Purchase Order Process, the Process Number will be shown here. This field cannot be changed.
- Service Del. Date
- Paste Special
Choose date
- Use this field to record the date when you received the goods or services listed in the Invoice. In most countries, this is for information only.
- In Poland, the VAT obligation is based on the date a delivery was made or a service was carried out. For this reason, this field will also appear on the 'Terms' card when the VAT Law in the Company Info setting in the System module is set to "Polish". In Standard ERP, VAT calculations are based on Transaction Dates, so you will need to create a VAT Correction record from a Purchase Invoice if its Transaction Date is different to its Service Delivery Date (i.e. the two dates are in different months). This will ensure its VAT is attributed to the correct period. If you run the 'Create VAT Corrections P/L' Maintenance function and select the Check Service Del. Date option, VAT Corrections will be created for each Purchase Invoice where the Transaction and Service Delivery Dates are in different months. You can also create a VAT Correction record from an individual Purchase Invoice by opening it and selecting 'VAT Correction P/L' from the Create menu: this will be useful for Purchase Invoices that do not have Service Delivery Dates. Please refer to your local HansaWorld representative for more information.
- Bank Code
- Paste Special
Banks setting, Purchase Ledger
- Default taken from 'Contact' record for the Supplier or Factoring Supplier (Account Operator)
- The Bank where the Supplier's bank account is held. This is brought in from the Contact records for Supplier or the Factoring Supplier. It may be used in relation with foreign bank transactions.
- Bank Account
- Paste Special
Bank Accounts of the Supplier
- Enter the Supplier's bank account number here. When you issue a Payment against the Invoice, this Bank Account will be copied to the To Bank A/C field on flip H of the Payment record. From there, it will be included in Banking File exports.
- A default Bank Account will be placed in this field, taken from the Contact record for the Supplier and chosen in the following order:
- The IBAN Code
- The Bank Account
- The Bank Account 2
If these three fields are empty and the Supplier has a Factoring Supplier, then the Bank Account will be taken from the same fields in the Contact record for the Factoring Supplier.
- If a Supplier or Factoring Supplier has more than one Bank Account (e.g. their Contact record has both a Bank Account and a Bank Account 2), you can change from the default using 'Paste Special'.
- Sort Code
- Default taken from Contact record for the Supplier or Factoring Supplier (Sort Code)
- The Sort Code (branch number) of the bank where the Supplier's account is held is also brought in from the Supplier or the Factoring Supplier. When you issue a Payment against the Invoice, this Sort Code will be copied to flip H of the Payment record. From there, it will be included in Banking File exports.
- Barcode
- This field is used in Finland, where Purchase Invoices have bar codes containing information such as the Supplier's bank account number, the Invoice amount, a unique reference number and the Due Date. There are two versions of barcode: one contains the IBAN Code of the Supplier's Bank Account, while the other contains the Supplier's bank account number. If you enter or scan such a barcode into this field, the Supplier (and all connected details such as Name, Address, Bank Account details and Payment Term), TOTAL, Reference and Due Date will be brought into the Purchase Invoice automatically. The Supplier will be found by searching the Contact register for the record with the IBAN Code or Bank Account contained in the barcode. If no Supplier with the relevant IBAN Code or Bank Account is found, the other details (TOTAL, Reference and Due Date) will not be brought in from the barcode. So, if you will be using this feature, it is recommended that you keep the IBAN Codes and Bank Accounts in the Contact records for your Suppliers up to date. Please refer to your local HansaWorld representative for more details, including enabling entry to this field using a barcode reader.
- Payment Code
- Paste Special
Payment Codes setting, Purchase Ledger
- This field is used in Sweden, where every payment to a beneficiary domiciled outside Sweden (in a foreign currency or in Swedish kronor) that exceeds a counter value stipulated by the National Tax Board (Riksskatteverket) must be reported to the Tax Board by the intermediary bank. Included in the report should be a Payment Code, a three-digit code representing a category (i.e. export/import, services etc.).
- Specify the Payment Code to be used with a particular Purchase Invoice here: this is only necessary if the Supplier is located outside Sweden and you will be sending banking files for cross-border payments. A default will be brought in from the 'Accounts' card of the Contact record for the Supplier. When a Payment is issued against the Invoice, it will be shown on flip H of the Payment record. From there, the Payment Code will be included in Banking File exports if you produce them using the Foreign Country Payment option and if the Payment File Format you have specified in the Bank Transfer setting in the Purchase Ledger is Sweden - Handelsbanken.
The Purchase Invoice register in Standard ERP:
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