Search HansaManuals Home >> Standard ERP >> Purchase Ledger >> Purchase Invoice Register Previous Next Entire Chapter in Printable Form Search This text refers to program version 8.1 Create Menu - Purchase Invoice - Asset This page describes the 'Asset' function on the Create menu in the Purchase Invoice record window. If you are using iOS or Android, the 'Asset' function is on the + menu.--- If the Purchase Invoice represents the purchase of an item that is to be included as one of your company's assets, you can register that item as such using the 'Asset' function. The function requires you to be using the Assets module (i.e. it requires the Assets option in the Configuration setting in the System module to be ticked). To register an Asset from a Purchase Invoice, first open the Invoice in a record window and then select 'Asset' from the Create menu (Windows/Mac OS X) or + menu (iOS/Android). A new record in the Asset register will be created as follows:
You do not have to mark a Purchase Invoice as OK before creating an Asset from it. You can also use the fields on flip E of the 'Costs' card of the Purchase Invoice window to have Asset records created from Purchase Invoices automatically. Please refer to the end of this page for details. Please refer here for full details of the Asset window. --- The Purchase Invoice register in Standard ERP: