There are a number of standard fields that you can include in the Form Templates that will be used by the forms in the Purchase Orders module. These fields are:
Field in Form Template | Prints |
| |
These fields print information from the Company Info setting: |
| |
Chief Accountant | Chief Accountant |
Copy Type | When you design a Form Template, you can use the 'Copies' function on the Operations menu to specify that more than one copy will be printed, and that each copy will be marked with specified text (e.g. "Office Copy", "Customer Copy", etc). This field will print the specified text |
Date | The date when the Form was printed |
Document for Training Purposes | Prints the phrase "Document for training purposes Only". This field will only be printed from sample databases. |
Invalid Invoice | Prints the phrase "Document not valid as an invoice" (prints blank in Sales Cash Notes, Sales Credit Notes, Sales Interest Invoices, Sales Internal Invoices, Sales Invoices, Sales Proforma Invoices and Project Invoices) |
Manager / CEO | CEO |
Own Address | Company Name and Address. This information will be printed on separate lines, so you should specify a Line Height for this field. Use the Form Settings setting to set the format of this field (e.g. to specify whether blank lines will be printed, whether parts of the address will be printed on the same line, etc.) |
Own Address 2 | Address. This information will be printed on separate lines, so you should specify a Line Height for this field. Use the Form Settings setting to set the format of this field (e.g. to specify whether blank lines will be printed, whether parts of the address will be printed on the same line, etc.) |
Own ANA Code | ANA Code |
Own Bank 1 | Bank 1 |
Own Bank 2 | Bank 2 |
Own Bank Code | Bank Code. This information will only be printed if there is a record in the Banks setting in the Purchase Ledger for the Bank Code specified in the Company Info setting |
Own Bank Customer ID | Bank Customer ID |
Own Business Name | Business Name |
Own Commercial Registration Number | Commercial Reg.No. |
Own Country Code | ISO Code from the record in the Countries setting for the Country or, if blank, the Country |
Own E-mail | E-mail |
Own Fax Number | Fax |
Own GLN | GLN (this field is only visible if the VAT Law in the Company Info setting is set to "Norwegian") |
Own Home Community | Home Community |
Own Line of Business | Line of Business |
Own Name | Company Name |
Own Registration Number | Reg. No. |
Own Share Capital | Share Capital |
Own Telephone Number | Telephone. If you enter "N" as the Field Argument, the Telephone Number will be printed without spaces or other non-numeric characters. |
Own VAT Reg. Number | VAT Reg. No. |
Own WWW Address | WWW Address |
Page Number | Page number |
Period | The period from the Form's specification window |
Product Name | The name of the product you are using (i.e. Standard ERP) |
Short Underline | _______________ |
Time | The time when the Form was printed |
| |
These fields print information from the record in the Banks setting in the Purchase Ledger for the Bank Code specified in the Company Info setting: |
| |
Own Bank Account (IBAN) | Account (IBAN) |
Own Bank Address | Address. This information will be printed on separate lines, so you should specify a Line Height for this field |
Own Bank Address 1 | First line of the Address |
Own Bank Address 2 | Second line of the Address |
Own Bank Address 3 | Third line of the Address |
Own Bank Address 4 | Fourth line of the Address |
Own Bank Address 5 | Fifth line of the Address |
Own Bank BIC (SWIFT) | BIC (SWIFT) |
Own Bank Corr. Acc. | Expense Account |
Own Bank Clearing | Clearing |
Own Bank Name | Name |
Own Bank Sorting | Sort Key |