
Create Menu - Item - Recipe

This page describes the 'Recipe' function on the Create menu in the Item record window. If you are using iOS or Android, the 'Recipe' function is on the + menu.


If an Item is a Structured or assembled Item, it should have a Recipe. The Recipe is the bill of materials that describes how the assembled Item is made up i.e. it is a list of components or other constituent Items together with quantities.

You can create Recipes by entering them directly to the Recipe register (which you can find in the Production module and as a setting in the Stock module), and you can also create them from Item records. To do this, open an existing Item record or create a new one and then select 'Recipe' from the Create menu (Windows/Mac OS X) or + menu (iOS/Android). The following window will open, allowing you to create a new Recipe:

A new record will be opened in a window entitled 'Recipe: New'. This means that it has not yet been saved. The Item Number will be copied to the Code field in the new Recipe, while the Item Description will be copied to the Recipe's Comment field. The Item Number (i.e. the Recipe Code) will also be copied to the Recipe field in the Item record. If you created the Recipe from an existing Item (i.e. one that you have already saved), the Item will be placed as an Output Item in the first row in the Recipe matrix (i.e. it is assumed that the Item from which you created the Recipe is the final assembly). If you created the Recipe from a new Item that you haven’t yet saved, the Recipe matrix will be empty.

List the Input Items (i.e. the components and other constituent Items) and specify other details as appropriate and then save the record in the Recipe register by clicking the [Save] button (Windows/Mac OS X) or tapping √ (iOS/Android) in the Button Bar. You can then close it using the close box (Windows/Mac OS X) or by tapping < (iOS/Android). Alternatively, if you no longer require the Recipe record, click [Cancel] or tap <.

This function will be useful in the following situations:

  • When you need to create a Recipe for a Stocked Item. This is an Item that you will build from components and then keep in stock. When you add such an Item to the Item register, you can save it and then use this function to create the Recipe. The Stocked Item will be listed as the Output Item in the first row in the matrix in the new Recipe automatically.

  • When you need to create a Recipe for a Structured Item. A Structured Item is an Item that you will construct on the point of delivery i.e. you will never hold a Structured Item in stock, only its components. When you enter a Structured Item to the Item register, you will need to specify a Recipe before you can save it for the first time. When you use this function to create the Recipe, the Item will not be listed in the Recipe as the Output Item because the Item hasn’t been saved. Save the Recipe, then save the Item and return to the Recipe to list the Input and Output Items.
As previously mentioned, when you create a Recipe from an Item using this function, the Item Number of the Item will be copied to the Code field in the new Recipe. If the function does not create a Recipe when expected, the probable reason is that there already is a Recipe with the same Code.


The Item register in Standard ERP:

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