
Påbörja Journaling

  1. You can start the journal feature using one of two methods:

    1. Launch the command line application on the server by typing:
      ./HansaWorld --start-journaling &
      Starts the HansaWorld Enterprise server application and marks the database as journaled. A new folder named "journal" will be created in the folder containing the HansaWorld Enterprise server application, and in that folder a journal file named "J0000001.HJN" will be created.
      If you are using the service application (Windows) or a GUI single-user application, you will need to place the --start-journaling parameter in a "parameters.txt" file before launching the application, as described in the 'Launching the Server with Parameters ' section on the Loading an Existing Database and Company page. After starting the service, remove the parameter from the "parameters.txt" file.

    2. If the server is already running and you don't want to restart it, log in from a client, change to the System module and open the Journaling setting:

      Click the [Start Journaling] button. A new folder named "journal" will be created in the folder containing the HansaWorld Enterprise server application, and a journal file named "J0000001.HJN" will be created in that folder.

      You can also use the Journaling setting to start journaling in a single-user system.

  2. Referring to the Database Duplication page, establish a regular database duplication routine. If you need to revert to an old database, you must do so to one that was created after you started journaling. You cannot revert to a text back-up.

  3. Log on from clients in the usual way and begin work. Every change will be saved in the database and in the "J0000001.HJN" file.

  4. The next time you launch the command line or service application on the server, do so in the usual way (i.e. there is no need to use the --start-journaling parameter again). A message will be shown in the Terminal (Mac OS X and Linux) and in the log file as a reminder that journaling is in operation. You can also monitor this from a client by referring to the Journaling setting in the System module.


    Never move, edit or rename the journal file or the "journal" folder. Make a copy of the journal file if you want to back it up.

  5. If you need to update to a new version of HansaWorld Enterprise, you must do so by creating a text back-up from the old version, creating a new database using the new version and importing the text back-up. Full details are on the Updating to New Versions of HansaWorld Enterprise page. A side effect of importing a text back-up will be that journaling will be switched off. Therefore, after updating you must restart journaling as described above in steps 1-3 above. Before doing so, make sure that the "journal" folder in the folder containing the HansaWorld Enterprise server application is empty or removed altogether.

In this section:

See also: