
Entering a Sales Order

To open the Sales Order register, first ensure you are in the Sales Orders module. Then, if you are using Windows or Mac OS X, click the [Registers] button in the Navigation Centre and then double-click 'Orders' in the resulting list. If you are using iOS or Android, tap the [Registers] button in the Navigation Centre and then tap 'Orders' in the 'Registers' list.

The 'Orders: Browse' window will be opened, showing the Orders that you have already entered.

By default, Orders will be shown sorted by Order Number. If you are using Windows or Mac OS X, you can change the sort order by clicking on one of the other column headings. To reverse any sort, simply click once again on the column heading. The current sort order is marked by the column heading being coloured blue. If you are using iOS or Android, tap on the column heading and choose the sort order you need. Repeat the procedure to reverse the sort.

Also shown are the Customer number and name, and indications that an Order has been shipped or invoiced, as follows:

Order StatusDelvdInvd
not delivered or invoiced-
full delivery created but not marked as OK-
full delivery marked as OK but not invoiced
delivered and invoiced in full
partial delivery created but not marked as OK-
partial delivery marked as OK but not invoiced
partial delivery invoiced

In the last situation, invoicing is up to date for the Deliveries made so far, but that the Order has not been completely fulfilled. You usually cannot invoice an Order before a Delivery has been made and marked as OK. The Downpaid column shows the value of any Down Payment Invoices (i.e. deposits) that you have issued from an Order, including VAT.

If you need Orders to pass through an approval process and you have configured such a process using the Approval Rules register in the Business Alerts module, an extra column that displays the Approval Status of each Order will be added to the 'Orders: Browse' window. Please refer to the description of the Approval Status field on the 'Inv. Address' card for brief details about the approval process and here for full details.

If you are using Windows or Mac OS X, there will be three buttons in the top left-hand corner of the 'Orders: Browse' window. These are part of the Limited Access feature. You can use them as follows (Windows versions of the buttons illustrated on the left, Mac OS X on the right):

Lists all Orders.

Lists Orders belonging to members of the same Sales Group as the current user (i.e. Orders with the same Sales Group on their 'Price List' cards as that of the current user).

Lists Orders belonging to the current user (i.e. Orders where the Salesman field contains the Signature of the current user).
You can also prevent a user from seeing all Orders in the list by restricting their view to their own Orders or to those of their Sales Group.
Please refer to the page describing the 'Access' card of the Person register for full details about the Limited Access feature.

The functions on the Operations menu are described here and those on the Create menu are described here.

To enter a new Order, select 'New' from the Create menu (Windows/Mac OS X) or the + menu (iOS/Android). You can also use the Ctrl-N (Windows) or ⌘-N (Mac OS X) keyboard shortcut. Alternatively, highlight an Order similar to the one you want to enter and select 'Duplicate' from the same menu. If you don't want to open the 'Orders: Browse' window before creating a new record, you can also use the + menu in the Navigation Centre (all platforms).

The 'Order: New' window will be opened, empty if you selected 'New' or containing a duplicate of the highlighted Order. In the case of the duplicate, the Order Date of the new Order will be the current date, not the date of the original Order. Complete the Order as appropriate and as described below, then save it using the [Save] button (Windows/Mac OS X) or by tapping √ (iOS/Android). You can then close it using the close box (Windows/Mac OS X) or by tapping < (iOS/Android). Then, close the browse window using the close box or < again.


You are not bound by the values suggested as defaults by Standard ERP. In most fields you can change the pre-set values to something that suits you better.

Since the amount of information stored about each Order will not fit on a single screen, the Order window has been divided into seven cards. At the top of each is the header. This contains the Order and Official Numbers, and the Customer Number and Name. There are seven named buttons ('tabs') in the header.

By clicking the tabs you can navigate between cards. The header is always visible, as a reminder of the Customer whose Order you are working with.

If you are using iOS or Android, there will only be two tabs, marked 'Items' and 'Details'. If you tap 'Details', you will see every card except 'Items' arranged vertically on screen. You can scroll down to see each one, or you can jump to any card by tapping on any tab and selecting the tab you want to go to.

Complete the Order as appropriate and as described below, then save it using the [Save] button (Windows/Mac OS X) or by tapping √ (iOS/Android). The window title will change from 'Order: New' to 'Order: Inspect'. You must save all changes you have made before you can issue a Delivery.

You can have a text (SMS) message sent automatically to the Customer whenever you save an Order for the first time, to inform them that their Order has been received and registered in your database. You can also have a text (SMS) message sent automatically to a responsible member of staff. Please refer to the Contact Order Alerts page (for the message to the Customer) and the Internal Order Alerts page (for the message to the member of staff) for details about these features. You can also control whether it is possible to save Orders in which the gross profit of at least one Item is less than a specified percentage. Please refer to the GP Below Minimum Alerts page for details.

Finally, you can also have Activities created automatically from Orders when they are saved for the first time. Please refer to the description of the Order Classes setting for details.

After entering an Order, you can proceed as follows:


The Sales Order register in Standard ERP:

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