Preparing for Loyalty Cards
To configure the Loyalty Card feature, follow these steps. In a point of sales system, you can work on a desktop client or on the server itself. All the settings mentioned are in the Point of Sales and Restaurant modules:
- Record the various Membership Levels in your Loyalty Card structure in the Loyalty Card Membership Levels setting.
- Use the Loyalty Card Membership Level Structure setting to draw up your Loyalty Card structure. Each Loyalty Card will be assigned a Membership Level that is dependent on the number of points that have been accumulated on that Card. Specify in this setting how many points are required for each Level. You can also assign Price Lists and Discount Matrices to each Membership Level.
- You should now enter the formulae that will be used to calculate how many points will be earned on each sale. You can enter different calculation formulae for each Membership Level. Use the Loyalty Points setting to enter default formulae and, if you need different formulae for a particular Location, enter them (one for each Membership Level) in the Loyalty Points per Location setting.
- The next step is to enter the calculation formulae to be used when a Customer pays an Invoice, POS Invoice or Bar Tab by redeeming Loyalty Card points. Again, you can enter different calculation formulae for each Membership Level. Use the Loyalty Points Redemption setting to enter default formulae and, if you need different formulae for a particular Location, enter them (one for each Level) in the Loyalty Points Redemption per Location setting.
- Enter a new Payment Mode that will be used when you receive Loyalty Card points as payment.
- When configuring the buttons that will appear in the Sales Ledger Touch-Screen, POS Invoice and/or Bar Tab windows, ensure you provide "Loyalty Card", "Loyalty Points Payment" and, if necessary, "Loyalty Bonus Points" buttons. The "Loyalty Card" button will enable you to add a Loyalty Card to a Sales Ledger Touch-Screen, POS Invoice or Bar Tab so that Points will be added to that Card, the "Loyalty Points Payment" button will enable you to receive Loyalty Points in payment, and the "Loyalty Bonus Points" button will allow you to add extra Points to a Loyalty Card.
In the row in the POS Button record that defines the "Loyalty Points Payment" button, you must specify a Payment Mode in the Code field, using 'Paste Special' if necessary. The Account in the Payment Mode will be debited with the value of payments made using Loyalty Points.
Please refer here for more detauls about configuring buttons in the POS Invoice and/or Bar Tab windows and here for more details about buttons related to Loyalty Cards.
- You can also configure a POS Command that will allow cashiers to add Loyalty Cards to Sales Ledger Touch-Screen and POS Invoices using a single keyboard command.
- If necessary, change to the System module and add Loyalty Card fields to the Form Templates that you will use to print Invoices, POS Invoices and Bar Tabs. You can use the following fields:
Field in Form Template | Prints |
| |
Loyalty Card Level | Membership Level from the Invoice or Bar Tab |
Loyalty Card Number | Card Number |
Points Earned | Loyalty Points earned by the Invoice or Bar Tab |
Points End Balance | Loyalty Points on the Loyalty Card after the Invoice or Bar Tab was saved (Forward Balance + Points Earned - Points Redeemed) |
Points Forward Balance | Loyalty Points on the Loyalty Card prior to the Invoice or Bar Tab being entered |
Please follow the links in the individual steps for more details about each one.
Loyalty Cards in Standard ERP:
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